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1750 Crimson Fists Vs Salamanders


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Crimson Fists



Avenger, Machine Curse



Missile Launcher, TL Lascannon



TL Autocannons


8 Sternguard

Rhino, Power Fist, 2 Combi Plas, Heavy Flamer


Full Tactical

Flamer, Power Fist, Missile Launcher, Rhino


Full Tactical

Melta, Power Fist, Missile Launcher, Rhino


Full Scout Squad

9 Snipers, Missile Launcher


2 Landspeeders



2 Landspeeders













5 Terminators




TL Lascannon



TL Lascannon


Full Tactical

Flamer, ML, Rhino


Full Tactical

Flamer, ML


5 Scouts



10 Assault Marines

Power Fist, plasma pistol


5 Devastators

2 Lascannons, Plasma Cannon, Multi Melta



Tri Las



Board setup


Crater complex to south, Large 4 level building to the West of this, 2 level building to North East, 3 level building to South East. Trees to the north of 4 level building and to the Wouth West of 2 level building. Bunker Just West of 2 level building.



Game and deployment


Game is Annihilation (again!!!) and Dawn of War (joy)


I won the roll off and made the Salamanders go first.



Salamanders Deployment


Deploys Rhino with Tactical inside in practically the middle of the board, 5 man snipers go 1st floor (ground, 1st then 2nd floor for clarification purposes) of the 2 level building. Vulkan is deployed on the Ground floor of same building towards the South West edge of the area terrain.


Assault Squad is combat squadded and placed into reserve



Fists Deployment


Deployed Scouts on 4th and 3rd floor of 4 Level building.


MM Landspeeders placed into reserve.


I failed to sieze the initiative so the Salamanders went first.



Salamanders Turn 1


Sallies come on, in quite an impressive wave it must be said. Assault Termies come on in the middle with the two Dreadnoughts flanking them. The Predator comes on just East of them the other side of the bunker. One Tactical comes on behind the Trees to the West. The Devastators chose to come on behind the 2 Level building but roll a miserable 3" and dont quite make it into there but are out of LOS.


Vulkan stays put, the Rhino moves up to the 4 Level building and the Marines stay put.


Shooting sees a total of 1 Scout getting killed (from a Lascannon shot if memory serves).



Fists turn 1


Brought my guys on. Sternguard park on East Side of 4 Level building, Lascannon Dread to the right of it, Thunderfire to the right of that, Autocannon Dread to the right of that, Typhoons to the right of that, Two Rhinos to the Right of that (melta to the left, Flamer to the right) and a few inches away from that was the Whirlwind.


Shooting saw 1 Scout fall to the Whirlwind. Typhoons wreck the Rhino. Autocannon Dread wrecks the Right Dread with some lucky shooting and the Lascannon Dread shake the Predator. My Scouts do no damage to Vulkan (despite my ML wounding and 3 other Snipers getting wounds in).


Not a bad round of shooting.



Salamanders Turn 2


Assault Marines stay in reserve. Predator moves forwards, Dread and Terminators push forwards. Foot marines push forwards through the trees. Rhino tac marines (obviously without Rhino now as its dead) move into building about 3" or so.


Vulkan, feeling pretty invulnerable, moves forwards towards my line on his own still. Devastators try to push through the building but dont get very far.


Shooting sees another Scout getting picked off by their green cousins. The Lascannon Dread fails to penetrate my Rifleman one (much to his annoyance as I alpha striked his with "inferior" weapons). Terminators run 1", Devs run 2" to bring them to the middle of the building still on the groud level though.


No assault still.



Fists turn 2


Push my Rhinos 6" towards vulkan, Typhoons shuffle around to get clean LOS on Vulkan as well. Sternguard disembark and push through the ground floor of the 4 Level building. Rifleman pushes forwards to get a cleaner shot on the other Dread.


Shooting sees my Typhoons turn Vulkan into a crater (takes 2 Instant killing Krak rockets, we decided to not worry much about the 3 Heavy bolter wounds that he had yet to save). The Predator is shaken again by the Lascannon Dread. My Rifleman fails to harm the Dread. Whirlwind scatters harmlessly off the Foot Tactical in the trees.


My thunderfire cannon puts 2 termor wounds onto the Terminators, both are saved, however my opponent is less than impressed about having to move as if in difficult terrain.


My Librarian kills 1 of the Rhino Tactical squad with Avenger and another 2 are dropped through hellfire rounds, they break and run 8" back.


I forget to shoot my Scouts.


No assault



Salamanders turn 3


Power Fist Assault Squad come in. They deepstrike to the West of the 5 Level building and dont scatter. Both his tactical squads move up to the 4 level building.


Predator moves behind the bunker, his Terminators move up 6" (despite the move through cover). His Dread stays put. His Devs finally make it to the front of the building and set up in the windows.


He spreads his Assault Squad up using run. He runs his Termies up a bit (1" - I laughed!).


Shooting from his Dread knocks off one of my Typhoon missile launchers. Scouts fail to kill one of their Purple cousins but ultimately fail. Rhino Tacticals shoot ay my Sternguard a bit but fail to do anything.


Still no assault



Fists turn 3


My Landspeeders fail to turn up (yes I forgot to roll for them last turn - it was at this point that I noticed).


I move my Rhinos 12" towards the Devs, both park sideways and my two tacticals got out pointing their bolters at the Green painted Marines in cover.


My Typhoons pointed their guns to the Assault Marines as did the lascannon dread. My Sternguard moved a disappointing 3" towards the assault marines.


The dissapointment continues with my two Tacticals only taking down the Sgt and the MM marine (they pass their LD check as well). The combined shooting from my Thunderfire (on max strength), Lascannon Dreadnought, scouts and typhoons manages to drop 2 Terminators (This is the first time I have ever seen Assault Terminators take this amount of punishment - so this is what everyone has been banging on about, obviously this is what happens when you have average rolling dice). They pass their leadership.


I also knock down 2 Assualt marines with my Sternguard and then immobilise his dread with my Rifleman.



Salamanders turn 4


His other Assault Marines came down just away from my Tactical Marines, they scattered back towards his own lines.


He rotates his Predator so that it can see my Rhino with all its guns. His Assault marines jump up to the second floor of the 4 level building (none die), the Rhino tactical moves up to the 1st floor and the foot slogging tactical just manages to reach the outside of the building.


His Terminators move towards my Melta Tactical.


Shooting sees my Flamer tactical get reduced down to Flamer, Missile launcher and Power Fist. They stick it out though. The lascannon from the Predator knocks the Heavy Bolter off the damaged Typhoon and the Dreadnought fails to damage my Whirlwind.


Assault sees his Assault Marines charge my Scouts and his Terminators charge my Melta Tactical. 6 Tacticals fall to the loss of no terminators, the tactical marines run 8" and the Terminators go 5". My scouts fail to down any assault marines who kill 3 scouts leaving 4, they try to run but are caught losing another one. This leaves Sgt scout, 1 sniper and 1 Missile launcher.



Fists turn 4


My melta tacticals flee 10". My MM Landspeeders come in right next to the salamanders Dreadnought.


My Surviving 3 Tacticals from the flamer squad mount up and the Rhino moves slightly. The Typhoons push forwards 6" towards the Terminators in a hope to bait them. My rifleman drops back. The Sternguard move up a level and the Librarian detaches and moves towards the other tactical outside the building.


My empty Rhino backs away from the firing and hids behind some trees.


The Thunderfire begins the shooting phase by putting 3 termar rounds into the Terminators (all saved again). The Lascannon Dread, Rifleman Dread and the Typhoons fail to kill any of the terminators.


The whirlwind kills all but 1 of the scouts, whilst shooting from the Rhino, bolter Sgt and a bolt pistol from the top hatch takes down the plasma cannon dev.


My Librarian with Avenger kills 2 tactical marines, whilst my sternguard kill all but 3 of his Rhino tacticals. The MM landspeeders take both the dreads arms off (so now its immobile with no ranged weapons or DCCW).


Assault sees my Scouts brought down to just the Sgt, who fails his LD, gets caught and then saves the two no retreat wounds.


I Charge his tactical squad with my Librarian, he kills 1 then takes 3 wounds and dies, they get to consolidate into the building (last time I solo charge with a Librarian).



Salamanders turn 5


His tacticals move towards my Sternguard, his Terminators move towards my Melta Tacticals.


Fire from the Devs explodes the Rhino holding my 3 Tacticals. I make all my saves and pass my leadership test. His single sniper fails to kill anyone.


He kills 2 Sternguard with combined fire from his two tacticals. I chose to fail my LD check and fall back 10" to get out of their way (much to his disgust).


He charges my Tacticals, I pass my LD check and turn and fight. He kills all my guys to the loss of one of his Terminators.


He kills my scout and consolidates down to the same level as his tacticals.



Fists turn 5


My Sternguard rally and move back into the building. My 3 remaining tacticals move towards the dev squad. Pistol shooting kills none.


Shooting at the Terminators continues to kill no terminators. My MM Landspeeders kill the Dreadnought. I also kill the three Assault Marines who killed my Scouts with my Sternguard.


I assault the Devs, killing both of them for the loss of none.



He rolls and the game ends




Salamanders - 4 (scouts, Rhino, 1 Tactical, Librarian)

Fists - 6 (1 Rhino, 2 Dreadnoughts, Devastators, Assault Squad, Vulkan)



If it had gone to turn 6 or 7 I could possibly have lost it, though I am not sure. My Dreads were close enough to be Terminated, my 3 remaining tacticals were close to being assaulted next turn and my Sternguard were close enough to be assaulted by the remains of 2 tacticals. That and I had 1 damaged Typhoon.


Though I am sure I could have seriously damaged his Predator with my MM Landspeeders, the scout would have died and I was confident that I would have been able to take at least one of his tacticals down.


Still we will never know. The winning "steak" continues, mmm 5 out of 5 winning steak (typo made intentionally this time ;))


Hope it made sense and was interesting - I had to sort out a few things after the game with my club so some of the details were abit hazy.



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