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vs. Tyranids - Psycannons are the new awesome!


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With the advent of the new Tyranid codex, it seems that the Psycannon is ever more necessary for certain beasties with Warp field that are causing a real headache - Zoanthropes and the Doom of Malantai. Eliminating their inv. save, and having only 5+ regular saves, it seems a good way to eliminate those very pesky threats.


Any other thought/experiences with the bugs?

  • 2 weeks later...

I just looked at this thread and got the image of some grey knights singing "and Psycannons are a Knights best friend".

In my latest game, the Tyranid player by the end hated psycannons, calling tem as brocken as genestealers, after they reduced the doom to 1w first turn, meaning in second it was finished by a plasma cannon that scattered, and the Swam lord got finished off by psycannons, the 2 Zoanathropes were wiped out in a single volly from one of my PAGK squads 2 psycannons, and about 6 Genestealers.

Anyway, do you think it would be worth dropping ungarnts of warding on my 7 man GK terminator and replace the incinerator with a psycannon, my Grand Master already has one, so would it be better to keep the incinerator?

Also, would an Inquisitor with just a psycannon in squad of 7 Inquisitorial Storm troopers with a plasma gun be any good, they and a vindicare would be what I add to my GK 1500pt list to get it up 2 1750, if so, does anyone think that the old "Thunder" armour model with a strange looking gun be any good for it?

With the advent of the new Tyranid codex, it seems that the Psycannon is ever more necessary for certain beasties with Warp field that are causing a real headache - Zoanthropes and the Doom of Malantai. Eliminating their inv. save, and having only 5+ regular saves, it seems a good way to eliminate those very pesky threats.


Why would they get a 5+ regular save since the psycannon is ap4 they get no save at all. I think it is indeed the best way out there to deal with Zoans.

With the advent of the new Tyranid codex, it seems that the Psycannon is ever more necessary for certain beasties with Warp field that are causing a real headache - Zoanthropes and the Doom of Malantai. Eliminating their inv. save, and having only 5+ regular saves, it seems a good way to eliminate those very pesky threats.

Why would they get a 5+ regular save since the psycannon is ap4 they get no save at all. I think it is indeed the best way out there to deal with Zoans.

Worse still for the Zoanthropes - psycannons have a significant range advantage as well.

Why would they get a 5+ regular save since the psycannon is ap4 they get no save at all. I think it is indeed the best way out there to deal with Zoans.


I was just reiterating that they eliminate the pawltry armor save, too - sorry for being unclear

Any other thought/experiences with the bugs?


I just played against Tyranids with WH+IG army. He had Doom of malantai in his list and some Zoantropes, Venomthropes, Hive and Tervigons. From the begining i found that those IG squads were realy good way to spoil the tyranid players game because he couldn't pod down to anywhere other than next to some IG squad he managed to cause 5 or 6 wounds and miss with that blast.


Exorchists are still best MC killers there are. Seraphims work well on Tervigons and Hive. IG PCSs were fine with 4 Flamers and a Chimera (presuming that Zoantropes take 3 turns to kill it.) SoB squads are fine too, specialy if they commandeer a Chimera from IG. Missiles and Mortars are must have also (note that Mortars are best in HWS as they can be kept far at the back, this is one way how to keep Doom and others from dropping by).


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