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Damug Warfang

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Hey all,

I posted this story a while back but got only my friends reply. He told me that i should ditch the swearing for people to actually read it so i have done. Apologies if that wasnt actually the reason no one posted.



"Congratulations recruits! Your training is nearly complete." roared First Sergeant Liu Devluan, beaming. Fifty gaunt faces stared dumbly at the marines cheerful demeanor, their breathing still heavy from the run to the remote training centre.

"Here we shall truly see who has the mettle to become an Astartes of his majesty the Emperor. Those who complete the next week's tasks shall be deemed worthy of beginning to receive his implants that will turn him into a true Astartes." The recruits perked up at the mention of advancement, a few shuffling their feet in agitation desperate to get on with the task at hand.

Liu Devlin motioned deeper into the woods, "In there is the first of your tasks. There will be only one victor here. You have to simply pin one of these marker ribbons to a target, indicated by a red bulls-eye. You can chose to work together if you wish and you shall be monitored every step of the way by Sergeant Fiunk."

The recruits straightened slightly at the mention of the dreaded taskmaster.

Still smiling mischievously, Sergeant Devluan raised his massive power armored arm. "You may begin!"

The recruits raced off into the woods in search of the target, Devluan breaking into a laugh as they did.


* * * *


Alecto stalked through the undergrowth, clad in a simple robe of cream cloth his marker ribbon tucked through his belt, clutching a heavy branch he had torn from a dying oak to serve as a crude club. To his right crept Sartrew, similarly armed, and to his left moved Calumnicae clutching an armful of heavy rocks. Somewhere ahead of them roved Mudeuled always the fastest of the four. All from the same continent of the brutal planet of Colchillis the four had quickly become friends as they struggled with Devluan's brutal training regimes. Both Alecto and Calumnicae came from the same Warguild and had been selected together by the Astartes whilst Sartrew had already been among the recruits when they had arrived, and Mudeuled had arrived later. Together they were proving far more adept at tackling the challenges set for them than the other recruits.

Alecto's eyes scanned over the woods as he searched for the target, his mind uneasy with the whole situation. Compared to the others, this task was child's play.

What are you up to Devluan you dog, he thought. You seemed far to happy at this one. In fact the Sergeant's cheerful mood had disturbed him more than he cared for. He sensed that the others felt it too. There were more eyes than just Fiunk's on them.


The cry came from Sartrew as he motioned them through to a clearing. Mudeuled stood in the clearing, as motionless as a rock. His showed utter disbelief.

"what is it? What's he looking at?" Alecto questioned.

Calumnicae simply pointed ahead to the other side of the clearing, his arm shaking. Standing there like a vast mountain of adamantite was a terminator, bear helmed his face peaceful as if at sleep.

"Emperor's balls could it be?" muttered Sartrew.

"Oh no, Devluan you fether...." Alecto cursed.

"What?" the others questioned.

Alecto simply pointed to the red bulls-eye painted onto the terminators forehead, and groaned.




K thanks for reading



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