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Scratch-built Thunderfire Cannon


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Well, there's really not much of a tutorial...


as regards the gun itself, the main part are a pair of standard Land Raider sponsons, which I had left because I bought myself the Crusader update sprue.


I removed the muzzle on each Lascannon and removed the lower part at 2 of them exactly where the red line is.

I glue the front part of a SM hunter-killer-missile in the position where the muzzle was and then I glue 2 pairs of cannons together... that's pretty much it.




The framework that carries the cannons are the Land Raider sponson frameworks cut and glued together on a round plate (borrowed from the heavy bolter installation at the front of a land raider)

you can see on the picture where I cut them.

I used pins on the framework and holes in the cannons to make sure that they are in the same position...




the top armour plate are the casings of the Land Raider sponsons glued together carefully (so that they make an even line), where I added the instruments at the back of the plate. The instruments are from the interior part of a rhino, which, I am sure, everyone has going spare.




All the holes are filled with GS (where I am now) and later filed down to an even surface...

As to the tank part oder any additional sensore, you have the choice to use treads, dreadnought legs or wheels. I cut my idea from plasticard and covered it with treads from the imperial guard sprue. (Make sure to measure the length of the treads and arrange them in the order you wish before you cut anything or there will be huge gaps!)


That's as much tutorial as I can give you, if you have any more questions just ask them...


I already made a small tutorial, not really much to add to it.

It's quite simple and I am very pleased with the results...

I'll keep you up-to-date once I start painting it... Think I'll open my own WIP-Thread for this.



Awesome amazing work you've done :P I would love to know how you did the body and the treads I've had a tech marine conversion in mind and that bottom half is what I've been looking for :)


Wanna do a Wall-E? ^^


I used 2mm thick plasticard and sawed 4 identical "forms" out of it... Before I did that, I used a pencil to paint the cutting lines on the plasticard (to make sure they're alike). I used the tank treads to know what I can build, so that there are no gaps between them.

With 2mm plasticard, you can just cut a rectangle out of it and use it as "spacer" between the forms, because then you can simply apply the imperial guard tracks, because they fit close.


the middle part was made from the 2 different top hatches that come with a rhino, the one representing the doors and the one with the space for the turret

Pretty simple ^^




Would be pretty simple to make it very small, so that it fits the upper body of a marine ;)


Did that help you?


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