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Gun Line Captain


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I'm just looking at the benefits if having the Captain with my static gun line (which is usually the heavy weapon combat squad of my tacticals).

The Captain main role would be assault deterrent/counter attack so I was thinking just standard Storm Bolter with Lightning Claw.

I know the stat line is assault oriented so does anyone actually do this & is it the best weapons load out for the job in mind.

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storm bolter or a kind of bolter/combi bolter would do just fine imho. for close combat punch a power weapon might just be enough, or otherwise a relic blade, as he wont be getting extra close combat attacks anyway :tu:


note that a bolter (or combibolter) with hellfire rounds makes for some deadly shots as well!! the stormbolter would also be nice but only if you intend to counterassault with him, otherwise dont bother.


combiflamer might be nice against something thats about to charge you btw <_< stuff like gaunts/stealers/orks/guard die by the handfull to the 1 shot weapon :)

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You know what? This might be the one role that the AoBR Captain appropriately geared for...he's got a sword and a boltgun (NOT a pistol).


Give him artificier armor, hellfire rounds, and a relic blade. That's both a sufficient deterrent and something that can contribute some fire power.

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That is correct, hellfire only works on bultGUNS, so sadly no stormbolter cheese-ammo fire *tear*. I myself run a chapter master with stormbolter, grenades and art armour. No CC since he is there to throw down his hammer ( orbital ) and then basically absorb wounds for the unit. The model itself has a lot of bionics, an auspex and of course a cape.



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Unless I'm mistaken, you can only take Hellfire rounds on a regular Bolt Gun, not a storm or combi.

You are not mistaken, though I'm not sure why you're bringing it up, as I recommended the AoBR Captain as a base...who is carrying a boltgun (not a storm bolter). <3 I'd take hellfire rounds over a storm bolter, but that's just me. I haven't done the mathhammer on it, but a 2+ to wound on anything coupled with a BS 5 seems very worthwhile to me.

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Wargear: Special issue ammunition states that special rounds may be fired by a boltgun that is part of a combi weapon.

Cassius' Infernus is a combi flamer that's loaded with hellfire rounds in it's boltgun.

Combi-weapons wargear entry. "combi-weapons are bolters..."


Hellfire rounds can only be used in bolters. Combi weapons are bolters, therefor combi weapons may fire hellfire rounds.


I vote combi-weapon/relic blade captain with hellfire shells(and maybe an aux grenade launcher) as a gunline support captain.

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Why would you want a captain in a gunline army? Captains cant be shooty. At the very best, you can kit them out with an assault squad or something to serve as a counter-assault unit.


Otherwise, a master of the forge with conversion beamer (preferably on bike) is a much better option, since he actually contributes to the gunline with both his firepower and his bolster defenses ability.


As for special characters, I'd say Pedro Cantor is the best gunline option, as stubborn is obviously nice for a gunline army, and so is his +1 attack aura. Finally, with pedro you can get a bunch of 5 men scoring sternguard squads with two heavy weapons each.

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Capt. is a nice melee deterent, too bad it isn't going to deter something alredy going after tac marines. A dreadnaught is what I use as a gunline deterent. However, if you're set on having your HQ sitting with troops, a librarian isn't bad. Not as good in CC but has a free powerweapon and can have powers that are better than the heavy or special weapons in a squad. A librarian's avenger template is better than a heavy flamer, his meleweapon is better than a sergent's power weapon, and his vortex of doom rivals a Plasma cannon. I think of him as a supersergent.
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You know what? This might be the one role that the AoBR Captain appropriately geared for...he's got a sword and a boltgun (NOT a pistol).


Give him artificier armor, hellfire rounds, and a relic blade. That's both a sufficient deterrent and something that can contribute some fire power.

Exactly what I did, practically solo'd a carnifex!

Captains can use hellfire in combi's and boltguns, not storm bolters.

Captains can be shooty, they in fact contribute a lot to my gunline, with hellfire its 2+ to hit and 2+ to wound, the only thing they have trouble killing is MEQ or TEQ, and they can always charge and use the 3+1 attacks with the relic blade to kill anything they want.

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Another good point of Libbies is the force dome.. an extra save with your devs can be GOLDEN when the table lacks terrain. Not to mention Gate, if you need to re-deploy across the board to bring your weapons to bear.
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