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Bran Redmaw's Great Company


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Sorry it's been so long between posting pics of my marines. I work pretty slow. I actually have more SW finished than shown, but I haven't had the chance to set up for photos lately.














I've been doing Bran Redmaw's Great Company because I really like the heraldry. It's not real clear from these pictures, but I've been handpainting the insiginia on every marine. Every single figure is converted in some way, and I've only started to mix in the new SW sprues with the Long Fangs. My next squad of Grey Hunters will have more of the new parts.

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I always liked Redmaw's heraldry myself. The models look very well done too. I would make one small suggestion though. I think the metal areas need a wash of something dark to provide more contrast and bring out the details. They are a little too shiny in my opinion. Keep up the good work.
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I had another thought while admiring your army. Have you considered modeling the wolf guard with "beakie helmets and painting the front mouth area red tie in with the "Red Maw's" badge. I thought that would look pretty cool and I can't remember if I've seen it anywhere before. Just something to consider.
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Thanks for the feedback, guys.


I generally don't like washes, but I'll consider the advice. Some of it may be the camera focus and lighting source, because the metal areas don't wash-out as much in person. I tend to like my metals shiny. Actually, I tend to like my marine models to look very clean -- like they stepped out of the armory. I know it's not everyone's take on 40K, but I think of them more like superheros from comicbooks and the perpetually clean look suits them in my mind. If I were doing a Guard army, I might feel differently.


I really like the idea of painting beakies with a red snout. However, I'm saving all my beakie heads for a Raven Guard army. There are SW=specific beakie heads on the new sprues, so I might give it a go. I did consider painting the wolfhead helmets black with red mouths, but I might save that for a Bran conversion. I'm still trying to decide how to do the Wolf Lord justice. I'm leaning towards wolf claws, but I can't decide between power armor or TDA. Any suggestions would be appreciated...


Thanks again.

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Consider painting the wolfhead helmets black with red mouths, but I might save that for a Bran conversion. I'm still trying to decide how to do the Wolf Lord justice. I'm leaning towards wolf claws, but I can't decide between power armor or TDA. Any suggestions would be appreciated...


I had the same problem. I gave my Bran TDA, the wolfhead helmet, and magnetized his arms. Dual Wolf Claws just feel right for him though considering the short bit of fluff in the Codex. The Oct White Dwarf had a conversion of Bran Redmaw in it. They had him in PA, wolf head helm, Frost Blade, and bolt pistol I think.

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