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Krezal, Lamenter Captain of the 4th Company


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Hey everyone, been working on some Lamenters, and threw my Captain together out of some spare pieces. Today, in his first pair of games, he walked through a total of six Tyranid Warriors without taking any wounds. In his second game, he steamrolled both Khârn the Betrayer and Huron Blackheart without taking any damage again, but this time, killed each one in a single phase. He did in Huron by hitting with every attack, wounding with every attack, and my opponent promptly failing every Invulnerable Save.


Without further ado, I present Krezal The Furious

(Do note, my camera hates me to my core. It makes every good model so shiny and terrible looking with with tons of errors and some color washed out. In person, my models always look so much better, and typically even earn praises and awards!)





The History of Krezal:

With glory, comes honor. This saying describes Brother Captain Krezal almost perfectly. Having survived the Badab War as a just a Battle Brother who had served more than two centuries, he made a name for himself with his fury in the art that is hand to hand fighting. The Brother was simply known as “Krezal the Furious”. When the Lamenters flagship; Lacrima Vex, was stormed in the thickest of fighting, it was Krezal that drove waves of invaders back with his squad. With his Sergeant slain early in the assault, the Battle Brother took charge, taking up his Sergeants power sword, and acquiring the Storm Shield “Glorium” from the Chamber of Memories, Krezal took the fight to the enemy. With access to the bridge cut off, and little to no way in, the now-acting Sergeant led his Brothers into the thickest of the fights, saving Brother Captain Haemon from the sweep of a power axe, Sergeant Hakin from a tirade of Bolt rounds, and even managed to stop the flagships weapon systems from being disabled with the decapitation of an enemy that was more than his equal. When the order to evacuate the Lacrima Vex came, Krezal and his now whittled down squadron made way to the escape pods, many of his Battle Brothers doing the same. The pod was caught drifting by the loyalist Astartes and the Lamenters were forced to surrender. His actions being finished in the Badab Wars, Krezal was returned to his Chapter after the war, the Chapter having been granted forgiveness. To mark this dark period of grace and lament, the Brother adorned his right shoulder pauldron with a bright skull upon a black backdrop. In the wake of it all, the Chapter was left devastated, and Brothers of superior skill were promoted to fill the gaps. He was lucky, for Krezal was to be part of a Vanguard Assault Squad of the illustrious 1st Company in the Lamenters penitent crusade. It was in this period that Krezal began to grow a feverous hatred for his now traitorous cousins, the Red Corsairs. Though, in the midst of the Crusade, Krezal earned much glory, and his already formidable skill with blade and shield was honed to near perfection. When the Crusade met with the Tyranid Fleet known only as Hive Fleet Kraken, Brother Krezal had become Brother Captain Krezal of the 4th Company. He led multiple counter-attacks against the Hive Fleet and brought much glory to his Chapter, personally slaying a rampaging Carnifex with his power sword shoved through its eye, and even slaughtered whole broods of Hormagaunts when his blood boiled enough. Despite his battle rage, the Captain proved he was more than capable of controlling himself even in the thickest of fights. This has led to Krezal now having many more nicknames, ranging from “The Golden Knight” to “The Lamenting Berzerker”. Many Brothers have claimed “Krezal the Furious” is still the most true, for you have yet to see battle fury until you’ve seen Krezal in the midst of it. His motto? “I shall right the wrongs of our past…”


-Matt :rolleyes:

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Well he has an impressive track record so far mate! Keep up the good work. I'm liking the mini a lot, especially the skull standard, although is that a chaos symbol i spy on the forehead( I could be seeing things tho..)?? Maybe that is why he has done so well thus far! :mellow:




Hah! Thanks man! Though, if you mean the skull at the top of the standard? That's an "X" engraved into the skull, wholly unconverted from Helbrecht's model. So I can assure you, he is one pure Lamenter. :HQ:

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Well he has an impressive track record so far mate! Keep up the good work. I'm liking the mini a lot, especially the skull standard, although is that a chaos symbol i spy on the forehead( I could be seeing things tho..)?? Maybe that is why he has done so well thus far! ;)




Hah! Thanks man! Though, if you mean the skull at the top of the standard? That's an "X" engraved into the skull, wholly unconverted from Helbrecht's model. So I can assure you, he is one pure Lamenter. ;)


Apologies friend... I couldn't quite make it out due to the flash shine. I stand Humbly corrected ^_^



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I find it best to take photos outside during the day if you don't have a proper photo setup in your house, you'll find the colors come out a lot truer and you're not going to have the crazy flash


the captain itself looks great, nice mix of parts and smooth painting

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Art in simplicity. Very good show! I'm curious what wargear you used for him. Otherwise the model is inspirational :P


If only you could order bitz like the backpack, *sigh*.


Well you always could just buy a Helbrecht model, use the backpack and awesome sword on something else, and shave the head off and make it a wholly different model.


Also, his wargear is simply a Relic Blade(or Power Weapon if I'm feeling he needs a cut down), and a Storm Shield(The Bolt Pistol is there for show unless I run a cheap setup, and thus, the shield doesn't exist for anything else but show) along with Melta Bombs.

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