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Dred vs Tac Squad


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Hey gang.


Okay. I have an un-assigned drop pod and 185pts to burn.


So I was either thinking a default 170pts Tac Squad (Flamer and Launcher) with P'sword for the Sergeant, or a Dred tooled up to be a Tank/Character hunter.


I know that tactically a Squad o' Marines dropping in is a good thing, but the idea of a nice big, scary dreddy o' doom plopping down beside someone's prized whatever is VERY appealing.



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Dreadnought VS tactical squad = victory for tac squad EVERY time. I've tested it to exhaustion


Could you explain this further? How is the dread setup? Ironclad? Dual flamers? Does the tac squad have a PF? Meltabombs? Because, technically, for 185 points (basic squad w/ pw) vs an Ironclad, the ironclad actually CAN'T lose in CC. And will have a very hard time losing at range. O_o Although, I agree that the tactical squad is the better choice. If you field Ironclads, you need to field two. And you need to put them in drop pods as far as I am concerned.

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Dreadnought VS tactical squad = victory for tac squad EVERY time. I've tested it to exhaustion


Could you explain this further? How is the dread setup? Ironclad? Dual flamers? Does the tac squad have a PF? Meltabombs? Because, technically, for 185 points (basic squad w/ pw) vs an Ironclad, the ironclad actually CAN'T lose in CC. And will have a very hard time losing at range. O_o Although, I agree that the tactical squad is the better choice. If you field Ironclads, you need to field two. And you need to put them in drop pods as far as I am concerned.

I was waiting for somebody to say that. yes thats true an ironclad engaging in CC is the best chance dreads have of winning. Yes tac squad has powerfist


I went over this night after night with my friend with different simulated tac loadouts and dread loadouts everytime. I lost all faith in dreadnoughts after that. I dont field any at all anymore. after all that testing the ironclad with heavy flamers was the only thing that beat tac squads with any consistency

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Well, my army will be 1000pts. 1 Captain, Tac Squad with Drop Pod, Scout squad (5) with sniper rifles, 3x scout bikes with g'launchers and...


Well, that's where my question came in. I like the idea of dropping in an Iron Clad as a Turn 1 tank/hero hunter. Or a regular Dread, something scary to keep things chaotic in the backlines while the rest harass the flanks and front.


Failing that, a second Tac squad to exploit any openings later in the game would be good too. Hence my indecision.


Either way its good for me, I just wanna figure out how good.

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