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Some Marines Exemplar


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Right, so I'm working on a few models (just got into it a few months ago) and I have a few Space Marines done of the Marines Exemplar chapter. I've posted a few pictures I've taken below:


I believe it's a Captain that I converted. I hated how the original model simply held the bolt rifle off to the side, didn't look very fitting with the rest of my minis, so I cut off the arm with the bolter and stuck a shield on there instead. Also, I cut the regular head off and replaced it with a spare head I had from my Land Raider.




My Devastator Marine with a heavy bolter:






My Predator tank:




A Tactical Marine:




Devastator Sergeant:




Any suggestions for improvement are welcome.

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The heavy bolter is meant to be facing to the outside, and the ammo box is meant to be facing to the inside. Not the other way round.

Okay, I see what you mean. The plastic bit that goes between the box and the bolter broke on one of them so I was glad to get it on at all and forgot to check that.

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I think you've just re-inspired me to try and do that Marines Exemplar force I thought about doing.


Like others have said, your colors are pretty flat. Throw some shading on them and you should be good to go.

They are a pretty cool chapter, I think. Even though there really isn't very much information on them. Still, I like them.

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New model done. I tried adding some highlights and shadows on this one as well as a few other techniques. I think that it came out okay all things considered. Was watching Observe and Report while making this one and Brandy's mother had a very fitting quote for this model, "You can polish a turd but it's still just a piece of :cuss." But, unfortunately, these are the only kinds of tactical marines I have. Anyway... updating the first post as well.

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I think you've just re-inspired me to try and do that Marines Exemplar force I thought about doing.


Like others have said, your colors are pretty flat. Throw some shading on them and you should be good to go.

They are a pretty cool chapter, I think. Even though there really isn't very much information on them. Still, I like them.


Some of the other people intrested in the Exemplars have made a few threads for them. Last one I can remember I came up with a bit of fluff for them. If you look for it you should be able to find it.

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I think you've just re-inspired me to try and do that Marines Exemplar force I thought about doing.


Like others have said, your colors are pretty flat. Throw some shading on them and you should be good to go.

They are a pretty cool chapter, I think. Even though there really isn't very much information on them. Still, I like them.


Some of the other people intrested in the Exemplars have made a few threads for them. Last one I can remember I came up with a bit of fluff for them. If you look for it you should be able to find it.

Yeah, I've seen some of the unofficial fluff people have come up with for them. Personally, I'd just prefer to go off of what official information there is for them (not much at the moment). But, they're still an interesting chapter and I'm looking forward to them possibly getting a little more attention (though I doubt it =\). Also hope that the Dawn of War II expansion will alter their painter so I can finally make their color layout in the Army Painter.

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New model done. I tried adding some highlights and shadows on this one as well as a few other techniques. I think that it came out all things considered. Was watching Observe and Report while making this one and Brandy's mother had a very fitting quote for this model, "You can polish a turd but it's still just a piece of :P." But, unfortunately, these are the only kinds of tactical marines I have. Anyway... updating the first post as well.


I can see you put more effort into this, but it's clearly not working out.


Go down to a Games Workshop, or another hobby store where they paint minis. Ask for some help from the more experienced members - in the case of Games Workshop, they have an Academy program which will give you lessons, a painting book, paints, and a free kit (Devastators or equivalent in price) for completing it.

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I can see you put more effort into this, but it's clearly not working out.

Right, because I'm supposed to have professional results on my first try. Thanks for the boost in confidence, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't post on my thread anymore if that's the kind of feedback I can expect from you.

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The modes themselves aren't bad, but the paint has been layered on just a tad thick. A nice trick Would just be to water each one down with a drop of water or so, or lessen the amount on the brush. Also, a great little tip would be to just hit them with a wash of Baal Red or Devlan Med on the red for a brighter and richer tone. Other than that, the best you can do is keep working on 'em.
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I can see you put more effort into this, but it's clearly not working out.

Yeah, definitely. Like I said, don't bother.


They look good for a relative new comer. I'd suggest that you thin your paints with water, I generally go for 3:1 paint:water.


Oh, another thing. The Skull on the Predator doesn't have a nose :woot:

When I was painting my last one, I did notice that my paints seemed a bit thick but by the point that I had realized it, I was pretty much done already. I'll do that when I start my next one, I'm thinking it will most likely be an assault marine since that is the best model I have right now and I really don't have the patience right now to work on another Devastator, or enough colors of paint for that matter.

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Ok I'm going to give a few tips that I personally think help. I don't know if your doing them or not yet. I'm not saying you should do all of these but a few "fairly easy" techniques that can make a big difference, but you will have to decide what look you want when and where.


Thin down your paints (add a bit of water before you apply them), not to much or it won't form a proper layer. Over time you will get the hang of this.


Under coat and base coat. With the colours your using black will be fine as an undercoat and then black as a base coat for the black parts (black is hard colour to shade, so don't worry). For the red areas something like the red foundation paint by GW could be good as a base or if you don't have those using a brown colour to bridge between the black and the red colours.


Keep it clean, if you can try not to get colours you don't want onto other areas. Leave lighter colours until later because its easier to clean up if you spill onto darker areas. However don't stress over it.


Start with darker shades of the colour you want to work up to (can't really do this with black unless you use straight black and then dark greys over the top aka greys that look black). If you want you can leave some of the previous layer exposed near cracks or over-hangs so that it looks darker nearer recesses. For example if I wanted to end up with blood red I might do the following...


Scab red, 2:1 Scab red:Gore red mix, 2:1 Gore red:scab red mix, Gore red, 2:1 Gore red:blood red & so on until you finally reach blood red... just an example obviously this can take a while and I wouldn't expect you to it perfectly straight away but the sooner you start trying these things the sooner you will get better even if you never reach Golden Daemon standard.


Highlights as have already been mentioned.


Experiment with inking for easy depth.


Dry brushing again a fairly easy technique to add more texture.


gloss Varnish, its good for doing things like lenses and sights.


Take it easy relax and have fun. You will get it time goes on.

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Alright, thanks a lot for the suggestions, I'll be sure to try some of those out. I've never been a painter so the biggest problem with this for me is getting used to paint and painting techniques, think I'll be fine once that is done with.


Same boat I've been at this for 10 years on and off and figured most of this stuff by myself or from looking at what others had done. I'm still not great but stick at it and I'm sure you will see an improvement. Maybe try doing a squad (leaving special models such as sergeants until last) and then compare your first model to your last and I'm sure you will see a difference as you improve your technique and figure out what techniques work for what you are trying to do.

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The modes themselves aren't bad, but the paint has been layered on just a tad thick. A nice trick Would just be to water each one down with a drop of water or so, or lessen the amount on the brush. Also, a great little tip would be to just hit them with a wash of Baal Red or Devlan Med on the red for a brighter and richer tone. Other than that, the best you can do is keep working on 'em.

Yeah, when I said that the model was bad, I was talking about just that one Tactical Marine. The body, pauldrons, legs, head, and arms were all one piece, so that made the elbow very thick and the space between the arm and the pauldron was solid rather than having a small gap, which made the arm look even thicker. The rest of the models I have done are really good, I think, the models themselves not the paintjobs.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Diggin' the model. My only real quips with the model are very simple. Perhaps a little highlighting on the darker portions such as the kneepads and waist? And maybe add a dot of Skull White at the top back of each eye lense for a more "lense' look?


Other than those ideas, I really like this model. The plasma glow is a subtle but nice touch as well as the urban feel to the base. Im also fond of the chainsword. Simple, but very effective looking.

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Thanks. I think that I will have to add a little more of an extreme highlight on the kneepads since the shadow cast by the model darkens the current highlights there a lot. I'll try to add those white dots to the lenses, but it has been proving difficult too much paint and it goes all over, too little and it dries on the brush in an instant =\
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