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Some Marines Exemplar


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Looks good! The metals stand out nicely.If I were you though, I'd throw a wash of Devlan Mud on the skull-helm and the eye lenses. For the lenses, liberally wash the sockets of the eyes. And if you haven't already, throw the same wash of Devlan Mud on the other gold and brass on the model. While it looks good right now, it'd look even better with that.
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Finished my first Terminator. I learned a lot with him and so I think that while I did make quite a few mistakes with him, my others will end up looking a lot better.


I have decided to make the black parts of their armor actually black rather than a dark gray, I think that it will look a bit better that way.


Coming up next is their Chapter Master, Maxim Absolon, you can see my progress of him on the WiP page I made for him.

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  • 2 months later...

if you do plan on making the black parts of the armor actually black, you should take a crack at learning how to apply subtle details with grays and blues.


You'd be amazed at how well a gentle, squiggly L down the front of a greave can give the idea of light and motion to something that would otherwise be dark and flat.


When you try this, don't be afraid of using stronger, bolder colors to shade in the darker areas - if you follow it up with a wash, it will mellow out when everything is said and done and be rather toned down.


Posting again because I forgot to mention that there is a huge difference between your first model and that termie. Just keep on painting, experiment, and pretty soon you'll stop for a second and realize you have this whole painting thing pretty much under control.

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  • 6 months later...

Tactical Sergeant



Assault Sergeant (Won 2nd place in a mini model tournament at the Hobby Town I get my models at)




Re-Done Chapter Master (Normal sized arms with Relic Blade and wrist-mounted flamer)



Terminator With Missiles



Chapter Ancient


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