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How do you use your Redeemer?


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Well I run a mechanised gun line I guess you can call it. I field a Redeemer w/ass terms and cassius! I always give it the multi melta no matter what


and I use it in a counter assault role. I never really go driving around too much in it, I play defensively with it and flamestorms rock. so if you get near my gun line the Redeemer sens you packin.


heres my list aybe it will give you an idea


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That´s it, I own onw of these lovely tanks and I´d like to know how do you use them in the field of battle to take the maximun profit of its deadly abilities.

Well, first thing first, make sure you magnetize those sponsors. You don't wanna be stuck with a redeemer, you wanna be able to have a crusader, too. :lol:


The way I see it, the best thing you can do is pop enemy transports ASAP (especially if they're MEQ!), get the redeemer close, and proceed to pop their troops with the fancy flamers.


It's gonna take a lot of fire, as people are scared of str6 ap3 templates. Also, make sure you don't drive it through terrain - the dice gods are fickle, and they like nothing more then to immobilize a tank that relies on movement to do absolutely anything.

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If you're in range to fry something with its' primary weapons, then you're in range to assault with whatever CC squad you're hauling around inside it. So, basically, I use it as an assault transport, even more focused as such than with the other LR variants. Best used in pairs, because as Giga said, people are going to be shooting the stuffing out of it from turn one.
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A great way to keep your redeemer alive is to have a pair of vindicators accompany it.


This gives you massive target saturation, forcing your opponent to pick between three highly-dangerous, well-armored vehicles. Dual vindies with siege shields come out at 250 pts, too, which isn't too cheap but not too expensive either since they might just kill something with a little luck.

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