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Cult units in Undivided chaos armies

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In your opinion what's a good proportion of cult units in undivided chaos armies?

For example....hummm...one per 1k points?or something similar.

and what about size of units and HQ?

I ask this,because i think my black legion is now very close to a cult army:i have too much units and my HQ is has a chaos mark...


Thanks for yours advice and opinions ^_^

As mentioned in another thread, my cult units either have mostly black armour with cult colours as secondary (KB) or mostly cult colours with black as a secondary colour (PM) - If you've already painted your cult troops, the latter might be an easier option.



With my Alpha Legion force, I tend to play with just regular CSM troops at 1000 pts or under, but at 1,500 points I often like to include a squad of 9 Thousand Sons Marines. Mainly because they are also one of my favorite Legions visually. I generally explain it fluff-wise that a wandering Aspiring Sorcerer and his Rubrics have joined the AL force temporarily to advance his own inscrutable goals. :)


Back in the 3.5 Codex days, I had two alternative lists, one using "pure" AL with the Infiltration benefits, and one "generic list" using the same force but without the AL-specific benefits so I could include my Thousand Sons unit in the list. Both were a lot of fun for me to play.

On this same theme, I'm thinking of inducting a squad or two of Noise Marines into my IW list.

Visually, what do you think would look better on the tabletop, metal colored NM maybe with a little slaaneshi influence or the bright pink/black/gold of the Emperor's Children?


I'm not sure if it was clash too much or provide a nice contrast to the wall of grey/silver.

Not at the top of my head sorry.

You can run a search for "Viva Metallica" in the PC&A for examples of heavily washed metallics.

It's not the same as glazed metallics obviously but I just remembered that as an alternative.


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