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Games vs Chaos this weekend


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Hi comrades!


It seems I´ll be playing vs Black Legion and Thousand Sons (separately) next weekend, at about 1750 pts. Considering this, and the fact that I have more or less everything in the C:SM, what do you suggest me to field, which tactics to use? I really want to see my Ass Termis/LRR in action, as well as my LS squadron (2 Typhoon, one with double HB) but, other than that, I´m open to suggestions; I could even make an effort and not to use the termis/LR in order to save points for more troops.

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With Chaos you can make a few assumptions about what they're going to use.

1) Daemon Princes will often be on the table, best way to kill them is long range shooting. Dakka Predator, TFC and Multi-Meltas will all do a good job

2) With Thousand Sons, remember that they come standard with a 4++ save, so its not the best time to try and use AP3/2 weapons. The best bet here is just dakka them down. You are normally much safer in HtH combat with them since they hit like a Tac squad but 133% the cost.

3) When I hear "Black Legion" what I really hear is "Berzerkers, Plague Marines and Oblits". Berzerkers will kill any of your units in HtH combat and they can easily threaten your fancy TH/SS Terminators. To kill them, you need to open up their Rhinos/Land Raider and shoot them down, luckily they die like any Marine. Plague Marines are T5 with FnP, this means that small arms fire is totally wasted on them. Here is where you use your Melta/Plasma/Vinidicators/Power Fist etc to knock them down. These guys will often be hiding in cover claiming an objective. For Oblits, kill them like a 2 wound Terminator. A mix of small arms fire and S8 weapons for the insta-kill will be the best.

4) Codex Marines can easily outshoot most any Chaos army, use this to your advantage. He is going to come to you (atleast the Black Legion player) so set up good firelanes, blast him as he gets closer and launch a counter-assault with your Terminators or Assault Squad.


TH/SS + LRR and Typhoons will all be great choices.

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I´ll keep that in mind. I´m thinking about using the LRR, razorbacks/rhinos, Land Speeders, bikes and assault marines to outmanoeuvre the enemy. Drop pod falls turn 1 in some interesting position, carrying perhaps the Sternguard and Librarian and a locator beacon; later on, I´d DP the assault marines, Tactical Termis and Land Speeders behind enemy lines while the rest of my army advances or holds objectives, providing covering fire. Would you include a Chaplain to go with the Assault Squad?
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Chaplains + Assault Squads are always nice.

However another Librarian wouldn't be a bad option either. Assuming your 1st one has Null Zone covered, something like Force Dome and Avenger would be a good mix for the Assault Marines. Gives them some kind of save as they close in (assuming you want to stay out of cover) and Avenger on the charge will make a mess of most MEQs. Plus more Hoods will help to shutdown the Thousand Sons (who use lots of powers) or the typical Warptime Daemon Prince (who is going to use it every combat round) or Lash Prince.


Remember that most Chaos armies are built to get close to you (I know mine is). Keep this in mind and make him pay to close the distance. For the most part the longer you stay out of assault, the better. The opposite is true with Thousand Sons however.

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Ok, 4000 pts game already over, no more than 3 turns fully played because of time constrains, but a good game anyway. We played Space Wolves+Imperial Fists vs 1K Sons+Black Legion and, even though I´m not going to post the full battle report, here are some post-game thoughts:


-Sternguard vets+Libby are a great combo, but only in units of 7-10 and not sure about using them in my first drop pod.

-Redeemer+Ass Termis is gold, they can absolutely crash everything they face.

-Land Speeder Squads are lovely, but I have to resist the temptation of deepstriking them too close to the enemy.

-A single PF seems not enough to wreck a Chaos Dreadnought in 3 CC phases. Dammit!

- I have to get used to keep my transports under cover, and watch for firelines (my two RB were destroyed on turn1 and turn 2, respectively),

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