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Wraithes of Darkness

Dark Apostle Thirst

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Just reading some information doesn't always help. Not that I'm saying it won't but there are plenty of people who haven't learned from the annals of history, no matter whether they studied it or not.


Reading something and filing away the knowledge is one thing. Properly comprehending the information, gaining a true understanding of just what it all means is key. The saying 'knowledge is power' would be more complete to say that 'true understanding is power'.


It's the defining line between Wisdom and Intelligence. Being intelligent is one thing, but having the wisdom to know when, where and how to use such intelligence or knowledge is, again, key. This is one of the reasons I usually espouse experience over many other qualities. While experience doesn't always give wisdom, more often than not it provides a better understanding of things at the very least.


Coming to the point now, in a truly rambling way.


Practice is what you need.



Gee I could have saved everyone involved a lot of reading here I'm sure. ;)

Reading a book on plot. WHen I'm don, I'll use what I have learned to improve the Wraithes.


If by a book on plot you mean a book about how to construct one, then I'd say don't bother; the advice is awfully subjective.**


Just practise: Take an idea you love and set it aside, then work on something else so you don't get annoyed with that great idea.



**I speak from advice, owning a number of books about writing. Anyone want them? :thanks:

Was moved by my own descrption of a perfect IA, so I'm going back. Wondering how I should expand it though, how I write is like how I talk and think - straight to the point, excess details don't need to be in there. But that's what an IA requires so I'm going to have another look over it. See what I could do, what I can expand.


EDIT: added to the beleifs.

First thing that jumps out at me is the first confirmed contact with Necrons is within the last 200 years or so.



Someone go and count how many times I explained this, I can't count above fifty :)

Added to the Orginization. Trying to paint a picture of a stealthy, elite, callculating and extremely self centered chapter of marines. Sounds standard, I know, but it's all about which parts you stress. Let me know how I'm doing.


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