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What to build for the store


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Hey guys. I haven't been around too much lately, but I have a pretty good excuse. As you may remember, I'm opening a game store with my brother. We originally were going to open in the fall, but decided we needed more time to get ready. We'll be opening by May 1st.


My question to you is what should I feature in my opening display? Let me explain. I've begun work on a 4 x 4 podium-type display case. Much of our clientele will be card gamers and such, and I want to attract them to the table top wargames. As I'm a fair painter I thought a display in the middle of the retail area would be a good idea. My thinking is that there will be a battle set up and under glass that will feature painted models (that can't be stolen cause they're under glass)


Obviously my intent is to start with a Space Wolf display. I'm wondering if you have any ideas or insight as to how I should get them started. I also have a decent amount of Black Legion that I coud face them off against. Some of the imperial building ruins as well. The rest would need to be produced between now and May 1st.



Anyway, let me know if you have any ideas. Thanks for your input.

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try a small space wolf force surrounded by a sea of little nids with the odd carnifex in there.


kind of like the image in the back of the DH codex except nids and SW instead of demons and GK.


Pluses for this, not many space wolves needed for it to look cool

nids with a simple scheme look good in numbers

nids with simple schemes are easy to paint

they both look cool

who doesn't like gribbly monsters and vikings in space??

By May, the Blood Angels will be renewed! Always good to have the latest and 'greatest' ;)


If you're hoping to attract new players, starter-sets such as AoBR are good. Have a set painted up; marines vs orks is always a good battle!


Maybe AoBR would be better for intro-games, and have your SW vs BL fight under glass.

For a display, you will want a dynamic, interesting scene, no need to be RAW-correct! ;)

Have them fighting over an objective of some kind - wounded Marine, wrecked Vehicle or piece of Lost-Tech. (I do like the Warhammer World battleboard that has Imperial forces 'looting' an old, forgotten Eldar battle scene - it's like Time Team 40k!). Or BL are running off with a Hostage, and the SW are chasing them down.

Pick a (simple) story and make an interesting diorama! Also make a plaque to explain the scene, or at least give it a title.



yeah, gribblies are always good! :)

sea of 'nids vs small SW pack sounds fun. "Ragnar's Last Stand"?. A BIG gribbly, and hordes of 'stealers/gaunts. A Marine looking to the skies, awaiting the Thunderhawk (any chance of scratch-building a TH, and hanging it from the ceiling, across the store?) to rescue them ... if they hold out long enough ...

That's awesome you're opening a store - once I'm out of school and rolling in cash I want to open up one down here in MS. By the time I'm rolling in cash Leman Russ could probably help me finance it.


You probably want a good variety of models though right? How about your Space Wolves with inquisitorial allies? Try and convert a cool looking inquisitor with a retinue and some stormtroopers with a landraider and a chimera - a rhino is pretty unimpressive, so leave that out. Are nids a good idea? I really don't know - they never appealed to me personally, but I don't know that orcs, chaos, tau, etc would have been any more appealing.


Also, maybe don't go all out on ALL the wolves - maybe do a few that look more like normal marines, to attract the people like me who don't initially go for the feral barbarian look, and are attracted more to the clean feel of codex marines.

Cool to hear your opening a store! That's like my ultimate dream, but idk if it will ever happen...


THOUSAND SONS! SW charging into some 1ksons, while a 1kson sorceror and Rune Priest duel it out to see who has the greater control of the elements and all things psychic! Have it almost where the two psykers are elevated almost as if they dont belong to the fight below, but at the same time make it so both the charging SW's and psykers both draw the attention. Get what I mean? B)

Well, I like the ideas, but the only problem I see right now is that I have MANY more space wolves than anything else.


Maybe a Space Wolf assault on a chaos stronghold? Would it look too unwolfy to have a superior force of wolves surrounding Abaddon in a small chaos fortress?

Well, I like the ideas, but the only problem I see right now is that I have MANY more space wolves than anything else.


Maybe a Space Wolf assault on a chaos stronghold? Would it look too unwolfy to have a superior force of wolves surrounding Abaddon in a small chaos fortress?



Of course not!!! Just shows we caught em with his pants down :)

Well, I like the ideas, but the only problem I see right now is that I have MANY more space wolves than anything else.


Maybe a Space Wolf assault on a chaos stronghold? Would it look too unwolfy to have a superior force of wolves surrounding Abaddon in a small chaos fortress?



Of course not!!! Just shows we caught em with his pants down :)


I'm not sure that I want to model that. There will be kids in the store after all.

I have to echo the AoBR idea (not just because my chosen armies are orks and pups...well...mostly but JUST) It would be very cool to have the orks swarming about the wolves. Unfortunately for you the best dioramas, in my opinion, are the few against many ones, and in those pups will always be the minority. but the AoBR would give new players an idea of what they themselves could (possibly given 15+ years of painting) accomplish someday with such humble beginnings.

I'd make two balanced forces at a common point value in your area. That way they could also be rented out for test games, to futher entice new players. Make the units fairly simple, so you can explain the rules easily. Perhaps make cheat sheets to help them.


Assuming you do that, I'd also recommend something non-PA and with a fairly different play style. Perhaps IG, or Tau. That gives you one assualty force, and one shooty force, to give renting players a wider range of experiance.



Best of luck on your new store!

Obviously my intent is to start with a Space Wolf display. I'm wondering if you have any ideas or insight as to how I should get them started. I also have a decent amount of Black Legion that I coud face them off against. Some of the imperial building ruins as well. The rest would need to be produced between now and May 1st.



Anyway, let me know if you have any ideas. Thanks for your input.

Id run four armies:

SWs, another marine army, Tau, Nidz.


Example lists:


Rune Priest- 100pts *plain, simple, lets them have psy defense and get used to powers*

10 GHs with options- about 210pts with rhino *again, simple, good all around*

5 GHs with Razorback- about 150pts *adds some fire support*

Landspeeder- *fun fast addition*



Commander- about 120pts *easy required HQ*

10 FWs+Drones *about 130pts*

10 FWs+Drones *about 130pts*

Broadside or stealth suits for the rest, depending on taste.

or IG?




Tervigon- 160pts. *cool conversion, fun rules, gives a swarm feel*

15 Termagaunts with Spinefists- 90pts. *Swarm*

15 Termagaunts with Spinefists- 90pts. *SWARM!*

Carnifex- 160pts. *eat them!*

with an extra dozen+spare gaunts to use with the tervigon



Daemon Prince- Wings, doombolt- 140pts. *solid, fun, fast*

10 CSMs- 2x Flamer, AC w/ PF, Rhino- 235pts. *maneuverable, good at close ranges*

5 Noise Marines- 5 Sonic Blasters- 125pts *fire support*


As some ideas.


Oops- for a diplay? Id do about 750pts of SWs vs orks, with the SWs holding a line against the oncoming horde... just because it would look epic. But theres alot of epic setups, this is the grimdark after all.

I like Grey Mage's idea of 4 smaller armies better than just two. I would, however, make every squad different. For instance, with the SW I'd go one unit of GH and one unit of BC for the trooops. For Tau, I'd go one unit of FW and one unit of Kroot. Etc, etc, etc. More variety looks more interesting in the case, as far as I'm concerned.
Orks should be easy to come up with due to AoBR, and a genestealer force from Space Hulk. Having a display of some wolves facing Orks and Nids would be cool. (Having some IG for the 4th force would be good too to add a shooty army.)

I'll have to take a look at what we can come up with. I think I like the idea of mixing in more than two armies.


We'll also have other display areas. My intention is to have Black Reach and Skull Pass sets painted and behind glass. We'll use these to run demos and show what is in the starter package for newcomers. Any other painted minis I have now or new releases will also be displayed in this manner. Right now, though, I'm most concerned with this "deluxe display" as it will become something of a centerpiece for the store.


How about a ruined city scape with wolves battling either Chaos or Nids? How about both? Maybe on two fronts?


I was also thinking of trying to model a snowy city scape. What do you guys think?

not trying to ruin the idea, but i think you'd actually just be better of by making it a playable table(or one that could be used to play on once you're settled in the business. why? well this way you have no wasted room. my suggestion would actually be to make a smaller 1 foot on 1 foot diorama of each game you plan to merchandise, eg warhammer fantasy, 40k, maybe lotr and non game workshop games?

Trying having mini-fights all over the place and have the space marines clearly trying to defend some relic, gate or something to make it look like a herioc stand that isn't hopeless or completely hopeless anyway. That's what the big stores do. They tend to stay away from tanks, because the need to experiment with one tends to get people by it more than actually trying the tank and finding how good it really is. Plus tanks are expensive, so it gets them more money, due to people's craving for tanks or transports of any sort. This includes special characters.


Hope this helps.





Let me give you some advice (which you can take or leave):


1. Keep Your Store Neutral.

I recently was at a gamers club/store. The owner and the guys there are all good fellahs, but within a week it became fairly apparent that the store was a clique (intentionally or not), and it gave the impression ESPECIALLY TO NEW PEOPLE coming into the store that they were not in the clique.

My point, maintain an atmosphere of neutrality that welcomes all comers (all customers...means more business).


2. Keep Your Store Clean.

Tieing into bullet one, eventually the owner turned one of the game tables into his project/painting table...this turned into two tables (his store, he can do what he likes), then players would use a table and not clean up, leave their figures on the table and go home. Then another table became a parts/project storage table, so on and so on and so on. Additionally ALL the models were 40K. This gives the impression that 1. It's a 40K club -turning D&D, Card, WHFB, Flames of War, etc, etc away. And 2. It was a mess...not a welcoming place - NOT neutral and welcoming to all.


These are two key bullets that I feel really hurt the store. Admittedly we live in a small town where there aren't that many gamers, but I felt the store limited it's users by breaking these two bullets.


Again, brother, just advice and something I saw.


Good luck man! May Russ Guide your store and may the Emperor protect!!





Keep It Simple Stupid!


AoBR for 40k, and SP for fantasy. You really only need to demo the games, so balance is irrelevant. One or two turns max is all you need to demo a game, and keep the rules light. ;) Don't talk yourself out of a sale.


You may want to have a cabinet to show new models and gribblies, but there's no need for big stories.


And lots of what Johnny Wolf said.

Hmmm...for the display? Is it a 360 display?


If so I would do some SM (space wolves are perfect (SM/SW are kiddi magnets)) in the middel on some slovly elevating terain. (Rock top or something, perhaps a fortress or some building ruins.)


Depending on the sice do not use to many. Then have them surounded by manny smaler units like orks or tyranids. Use 15 marines and buy 1 pack of homogaunts, 2 pack of the termigaunts and a pack or warriors (so you get the synapse and a feel that somebody are leading them.) Then you get 15 vs 30 aliens witch looks good. Make some of the SW look determed, some crased and perhaps some with helmets on.


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