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Flesh Tearer Chaplain


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Well this fella is finally done. Overall I'm rather happy with him, Just got to wait for the new Death Company to come out to go with him.


Unfortuantly the light is a bit crap today, so apologies for the darkness of the pics.







Comments as always very welcome and looked forward too.

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No, no no. He hasn't kill a sister, you can't prove a thing, she was dead when he got there. Nothing happened on Armagedon either, that malitia went on holiday, they didn't get butcherd when we ran out of orks to kill. :)


On a serious not the Flesh Tearers have a rather long and well documented history of coming into conflict with other Imerial forces. Most imperial commanders now refuse to fight along side them thye are so distrusted. I wanted to play on this a bit with the model. The head is male so its not from the SOB helm but he does look rather healthy and uncorrupted. I wanted to cast some doubt on whether the head is from some traitor or just some poor gaurdsman or malitia that was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.


The gold trim is pretty simple, nothing too hard.


Mix of shining gold and tin bitz

Shining gold

Burnished gold.

wash of scorched brown

Burnished gold again

Final highlight of burnish gold mixed with mithril silver



Glad you guys like him, should have another 5 assault marines done tomorrow so I'll start a blog.

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On the Sister note; I don't think the Flesh Tearers ever have chopped up Sisters. Referring to the Third War of Armageddon, when the Flesh Tearers chopped up the Gaius Point militia, the Sisters legged it before the Flesh Tearers could lay a finger on them, let alone a bolter shell or chainaxe.


They say they retreated to avoid fighting a former ally, but they were probably scared out of their panties. Such is the Flesh Tearers...


But you probably know all that.


I'd have plenty of accidentally killed guard involved, as they are expendable. But Inquisition Members, Loyalist Marines and Battle Sisters are the kind of things traitors chop up, and traitors alone. Because if the Flesh Tearers had managed to chop up the Sisters at Armageddon, I think we both know they'd have been excommunicated then and there. Just like what happened when the Sons of Malice did it.



As for the Chaplin, I think there is something missing. Something to do with the powerplant. It might be too small, or it might need some icon mounted on it, but I am not too certain.

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