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The Glory Boys

Inquisitor =D=

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Well here they are folks! I know nothing really special or awe inspiring but if my IST's looked better than my GK's what kind of precedent would that set? :lol:

For those who may care I plan on expanding these guys after I finish my Land Raider Twins. :sick: I might even turn these "Big Toy Soldiers" into a whole battle-group. The 201st Stormtrooper Regiment, "The August Hunt". So much story running through my head it should be illegal. Heck, I like the idea so much I'll write some short stories in my free time.

The Sargent;


The Flagman;


And finally the squad;


Vow Complete. (Unless I'm forgetting something... wouldn't be the first time.)


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Looking good! The only thing I would change is the highlighting. There's a pretty big difference between the base color and the highlight, a step between them would probably work a little better. Just a minor complaint though. Overall they're nice and smooth, and look good together as a squad!
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Also not Power-Armor so.. you might not want to be posting these.


Great models to be sure, but not on this board..


Inquisitorial Stormtoopers are acceptable from what I've read. They accepted it for the LPC so shouln't be an issue.


I like the banner, its a nice touch for soldiers of purification.


I also like the base colour, I can't explain it but it looks awesome.

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Mikal has it correct. Although IST may be based on IG mmodels, the B&C does allow the models of the Inquisition to be shown here as they are within both C:WH and C:DH and can be fielded in conjunction with the SoB and GK.


Hehehe... I knew this would pop up. But it seems my fellow board members have it covered.


As for the highlighting, I know, its bold, its obvious, its intentional. :D Its just my particular style. I started it early on and much to my surprise its what people round here seem to associate with my models. Comic-book style they call it. And the base red, your probably going to laugh at this its as simple as it gets. Basecoat Chaos-Black, Scab Red, another scab red, and one last scab red. No thinning nescesary (although my scab red has be ressurected 3 times now...)

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Nice looking squad. One thing I would change, is to finish the bases :D It will just add an extra level of detail to the models. Maybe a couple of crispy, burnt heretics or something..........


I was thinking about it. Just don't have the ability to do so right now. Sometime down the calendar maybe.

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