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Blood Angels Company Champion

Brother Alucard

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Greetings brothers,

I, like many others, I am jumping on the BA bandwagon this year. I used to collect a small BA force back in 3rd edition and can't wait to start painting that red!!!!

First up is my WIP company champion, I will be changing his back pack to a jump pack asap

Any advice would be brilliant

(sorry about the low quality, very poor light at the moment)




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True, not too sure on the honour guard options yet. Will wait until the new codex arrives before starting the backpack/jumpack dilema. The picture I have in my head is that he's just about to leap into the air but will say a quick vow to his Primarch before he tears someones head off.


Good conversion! Really fond of the whole pose! Looks awesome to me, but as above poster noted, it might look wrong with a jump pack, but try it out before you decide. And maybe wait until the codex comes out for gameplay purposes. Keep it up, I'd love to see a shot with a jump pack!
Thanks Ziggy. I'm going to paint all but the backpack, then will decide once the codex is out. RL permitting, I should have some painted pictures up tomorrow. (oops, it's nearly 1am so that will be today!!!!) I'll try and do a shot with a jump pack attached later too

Ok, managed to do a fair bit tonight. Pictures are still very poor, will take some more when there's daylight.

Red is pretty much done, helmet and right shoulder pad still need a lot. Then there's just touch ups.




Have removed the shield for to make my life easier for a while.


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