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First Drop Pod Unit


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That´s it, I´m finding troubles choosing a unit to put inside the first DP. I´ve used Sternguard Vets w/Libby and so far they´ve worked fair enough, but what about a Tactical Squad or a Command Squad? What do you currently use to initiate your assaults?
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Personally, when I play with Drop Pods, the very first unit to hit the dirt is a Tactical Squad. They're the best all rounders possible. If you have a second Drop Pod available on the same turn, then feel free to choose the Sternguard or another Tactical squad. Reason being is that once you set a foothold with the Tactical Marines, you can choose to start killing off targets with certain priorities in mind. Land Raider about to put some hurt on you? Sternguard with Combo-Meltas to seize the day! Plasma spam about to hit your Tactical squad after they toast an enemy command unit? Hit it with a Dreadnought or another Tactical squad! It's all about situational awareness and thinking a step ahead of your enemy(Or at least a pace if they're really good!).


But honestly, your best bet is to drop in a Tactical squad or two(if you don't choose Sternguard next) with your first pair of pods, and then think from there.

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I prefer a Dreadnought with heavy flamer and assault cannon. It's almost guaranteed a dead unit when it hits and the enemy absolutely HAS to deal with it. Keep in mind that it will die early so a Venerable is not wise for this tactic, but it can reliably threaten anything in the game and if left unchecked will wreak havoc behind their lines.
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