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Fighting the new Nids


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Hey all,


Later this week, I will be facing off a rabid nid player in a 2000pt game. He has a truck load of the nasty little buggers and I am determined that my space marines are up to the task to take the bugs down. But this is where I need your help. I know for a fact he will take a Doom, Trygon, swarm lord, and 2-3 carnie's, and then his smaller stuff. (oh and a butt load of drop spores and also spore mines)


What would you guys do?

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Ah, so he's going to take the Swarm Lord in what looks like a partial deep-strike Nid list? Thank him for his horrible list building to start, and then shoot Krak Missiles at the Swarm Lord until it dies. His list is now hobbled, probably from turn one.


The Doom is this season's Nob Bikerz or Marbo... ie, something else that's not too shabby but everyone is overreacting to. To beat it, get in your transports, let its leach spirt go off, and then shoot it until it dies on your turn. Without some Lictor Spam or 2x Hive Commander Tyrants, it's going to be flaky as to when it show up, so its odds of turning the tides are reduced.


Same deal with the Trygon. No pluses to Deep Strike = unreliable and thus less consequential. It'll pop up, maybe do some damage, and then be shot to death. And the other Spores. Castle up to deploy, and mount up in Rhinos. If enough Nids drop that you can wipe them out comfortably with shooting, don't bother running. If it gets too hairy, jump in Rhinos and roll away.


Everything else, just keep shooting. If you need to slow them down, throw a Tactical Squad in a Rhino length-wise in their way as a speed bump.

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Take a librarian with null zone and most of the big things in his army (Swarmlord and the Doom included!) will be a lot less threatening and much easier to kill. After that all you need is a plethora of missile launchers to deal with basically everything in the tyranid codex.
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Null Zone isn't very useful against Tyranids, two models notwithstanding.


The Doom of Malanti is both eminintly bolterable, and tempting bait for a Krak missile. Hunter-Killer Missiles are especially well used here, IMO.


He's taking a lot of his MC grade targets... my advice is to take a load of Krak in response.

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I guess the librarian just stands out because I normally take him in my lists regardless, psychic hood is still useful.


Also, unless the spores get really lucky with scatter, they're not going to be shooting much, 6" range is sort of easy to avoid.

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Beware of Mysitic spores = they can shoot the turn they drop (MC not vehical). So 6 x Str6 shots (granted BS2) range six, can kill any vehical less than AV 13.

First off- thats not accurate.

Second off- heres why:

"mycetic" spores do in fact have an assult 6, strength 6 weapon, however it is incapable of penetrating enemy vehicles due to its "AP -" feature. Couple this with its BS 2 and youll find that 1 hit, with a 1 in 3 chance of affecting a rhino, results in almost negligable odds to kill any vehicle, even AV 10.

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Just to let everyone know, we had our battle..


It turned out to be an anihalation.


Long story short, final score. 8-7 for space marines..


Marnus Calgar and company showed up and put the smack down on a carni, spore pod, those elite Genstealers and almost finsihed off a trygon.


Great game.. ;)

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