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Mercury's Blood Angels


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In this thread I intend to post images of my completed Blood Angels. At first, I will be attempting to meet my LPC commitments, but will add additional pictures periodically as I complete more models!


There is a rough guide to how I paint my models in the WIP area of the PCA forum:



Comments and criticisms are welcome!


Terminator Squad:





Black Reach Captain:



First Tactical Marines:





More Tactical Marines:





Tactical Squad (and LCP vow!) complete:






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Holy crap! My kneejerk reaction is a big :)


Hope you stay with the chapter, you do good justice to the BA! In particular, the color blending and edging really bring out a bold look in your models, as well as the shading. It can be a pain to shade red, but you've got it down. Looking forward to more!

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Not sure if it's just my amateur photography/lighting skills not doing the greens justice, but they are actually already highlighted up to a 60:40 mix of Snot Green:Golden Yellow. I do not intend on brightening them any further. Thanks for the response though, I very much appreciate the comments!
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I can see that light a mix on the targetter lenses, but does it go that high on the helmet eye lenses too? If that's the mix you used, that sounds more than bright enough, so it's probably just the shot as you say, in that case, all around great job! :D
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@ Brother Tancred:


1) Always apply the transfers over a (dry) coat of gloss varnish. This makes the transfers much more pliable and easier to handle. You can always spray the model with matt varnish later if you do not like the gloss finish. It's a good idea to re-seal the transfers with varnish afterwards anyway, so that your sweaty fingers don't cause the transfers to peel when you are gaming!


I use Vallejo gloss varnish and GW purity seal.


2) Make lots of small incisions into the transparent areas of the transfer using a hobby knife. I cut across between each of the angel wings and down to the tip of the blood drop, for a total of seven incisions per transfer. This goes a long way towards preventing the transfer from creasing on a curved surface.


No method is perfect though, the Blood Angel transfer on the MK6 marine is still ever-so-slightly creased, but this really is only noticeable on close inspection!

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@ I Am Legion: click the link to my WIP article in my signature: I explain how I paint red in some detail there.


@ Shaun Carlin: what exactly do you think might be missing? All detail on the models is painted and they're naturally really blinged up anyway. Don't think I want to add anymore. I admit that I do kinda wish I'd taken the time to write on the parchment and scrollwork now, and mount them on more interesting (scenic) bases. I might yet go back to the scrollwork, but for now it's all about painting more Blood Angels!


BTW decided to paint a dreadnought and Space Hulk's brother Valencio once the current Tactical squad is finished.

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Updated: 10-man Tactical Squad now complete. My LPC vow is done, so my updates here may become a little more sporadic. Have faith though Brothers, I shall stay true to my Chapter and continue to paint as many Blood Angels as my pay packet will afford!
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