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Heresy Era Iron Hands Army Blog

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Greetings brothers.

I’ve been lurking on this forum from almost 3 years and watching all the grate thinks that you insert. At last I have found the courage to show you some of my works. I hope you will enjoy them. I hope that my English want scare you from this topic.

I collect Iron Hands for almost 6 years, so those units are just part of my army. (better looking :blush: ). I’m big Cyberpunk fun, so no wonder I chose Iron Hands. Most bionic oriented chapter in whole WH40k. From the start I wanted my IH to look like from time of Horus Heresy. This is why I use a lot of chaos bits. The thing I like the most in IH, is opportunity to create conversion. So be prepared to see a lot of un-orthodox bionics. Because as Ferrus Mannus once seed: „Weakness of flesh must be reduced at all cost!”

So lets start form the oldest one

Ahosaari Terminator squad (from sergeant name):


They are all old Terminators. The first on the left is one have head from Bretonia Knight and right arm with build in bolter. I was proud of them because they ware my very first conversions. Some of you probably noticed that something is wrong with chapter emblem on they shoulder pads. Unfortunately I noticed this when almost 30 models was painted. :blush: . So whole army is right handed.




Also some old models:

Bicker Iron Father with servo harness. Terminator Librarian. Jumppack Librarian and Jumppack Captain. Head of this last one is just a scull with bionics. I want him to be “living” prove to the gossip that Iron Hands use reanimated body’s of their fallen brothers to use in combat.

New HQ:

Iron Father on "wheelchair"


His Storm Shild





From the start I wanted them to stand out from standard blackness of the chapter. This is why they all have ether blue glove on their hands or blue cloak.

Sorry for quality of the pictures.

Iron Father Jaro

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The models look lovely, but you should really put up some close ups, no sense in spending all that time converting them to not give each of them their own picture.

I have now hell in my work. :D Every one want everything on now. Overtime for everybody...

As e result for a moment there will be no close ups. ;)

But I have some older pictures of rest of my army.

New terminators.




They all have small diode inserted in their chest. So when it is on red lights flash from their visors and from behind of their heads.

Unfortunately i have no time to finish electric installation. Specially that now they are totally useless...

They They all have blue cloak of veteran.

Tactical I


Close up on standard.And standard bearer


Tactical II



Tactical V



More pictures when I change jobe or when this madness is finished.

Iron Father Jaro

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Of course those alr also frome my army:

Venerable brothers Voritax (on the left) and Tragor (on the right)


When I build Voritax i want him to be Angel of Destruction. And i think I managed. ;)

Wings are magnetized, and can be removed for transport.

Tragor was designed as Siege Dreadnought. This is why he is painted with flames on his chest. Now he is used as just standard Venerable.

Some side view


As 5 edition codex came i decided that I definitely need two Iron Clads in my Iron Hands.

But I didn't want all my old dreds to be put on the shelf. So this is my answer to question: "How to create AV13 Dred frome AV 12 dred?"

Voritax and Cestus in Their Iron Clad version.


With shields like that no one have ever questioned their AV13 :D


I hope you like them.

Two of my old almost 5 year old Dreadnoughts.

I hope you will like it.


Some side view


And other side


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I relay don't like normal dreadnought close combat hand.

For me it looks more like hoof then normal weapon.


I don't want to have hoofs on my Dred ;)


And now little quiz :)

From what I have created this blue sword?

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I made them from plasticard.

You cut shield shape from 2-3 millimetre plastic (little wider then what you need)

Then you sculpt facture you want with scalpel. (Little time consuming)

When all is finished. You need to shape the plasticard "on hot" (I use bowl with a boiling water) over some cylindrical shape.

Small bottle, jar or whatever you find fitting.


At the end you add some rivets


Iron Hand symbol was done frome Greenstuf.

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Rhinos for tactical squads:

Nothing special. But they give some mobility to squads.









My "wheelchair" unit:

They ware designed to be count as Attack bikes. Arms are magnetized so now i use them as Thunder wolfs.


Sarge with Thunder hammer and storm shild:


Rider 2 - His spider half need little work.


Rider 3


Rider 4 Still WIP



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Highly impressive work I'm blown away by the freehand symbol on the rhino. I also would love to know what parts you used for you wheelchair marines at first I wasn't feeling them but as looked at them more they've grown on me :) they totally fit the Iron Hands
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I'm glad you like them.

When I will have some time i will insert them witch H.Bolter/Multimelta arms as Attack Bikes


I use lower half of this guy:


It is Cryx Harrower from Privateer Press Warmachine.


At first panting those symbols on rhino was was nightmare.

It is very hard to paint white symbol on black hull without using thick layers of paint.


Then I try to paint symbol first with Ultramarine blue, then cover it witch thin layer of Space Wolf Grey, and on this finally white.

And it works B)

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loving all of your stuff so far, the high lights add a real dimension to your models


im doing an iron hands succesor whihc has gone chaos and i was looking for something to use as spawn and you have shown it to me!

is there any way of just getting certain parts for the cryx stuff as some of it is a little out of budget.


keep it up!

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im doing an iron hands succesor whihc has gone chaos and i was looking for something to use as spawn and you have shown it to me!

:cuss By the throne! I'm inspiration for heretic!!! :cuss ;)

The only way to have cryx stuff at low budget is to find it on on E-bay :(

Some people use to sell their stuff at wery low prices. Of course you will have to fight with ugly paint or try to fix some broken parts. (new stuff cost much, used stuff is chip but usually... used ;) )

Assault squad:


This is the last picture I took in first crappy foto session.

On weakened i will try to find some time to insert some closeup of models.

I hope the picture will be better.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Where did you get that head for rider 3?


This is quite easy conversion.

You need just cut front of standard SM helmet trying not to destroy those wires on side of it.


Then you place strap of green stuff on place you cut off and shape it like this.


It is very easy to do. :)


An army my Grey Knights and i would be truely HONORED to fight alongside.

Grey knights ware part of my inspiration. I'm thinking about starting new army of Grey Knights but i don't have time to finish my Iron Hands, so new army is in far far future. :(

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  • 10 months later...


It was long time from last update, but I think that my newest work will make for it.

Hire it is :huh:

Iron Hands Hover Rhino.





Conversion was very simple. I just removed track and suspension from standard Rhino and inserted flaps instead of them.

I also added a lot of new rivets to give him this archaic look.

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Of course today in age of magnets :huh: having tank that can be only used in one purpose is waste of work.

So hire it is Hover Rhino transformed in to Hover Predator.






Sorry for double posting. Somehow i cant add all the pictures to the post :/

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