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Heresy Era Iron Hands Army Blog

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I managed to put my hands on original mode of Iron Father.

I'm not entirely sure if i will use it but just for now I converted him to use as Librarian by simple adding book made from GS


Hire is beater view of it


The book and his backpack are attached on magnet so I can remove it and use this guy as Iron Father again.


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Hello Again.

Today I will show you some of my Iron Hands Fast attack.

First, once again my Attack bikes. This time in higher quality pictures.

Whole team.


Close up on "bikers"



Speeder Typhoon.

To make it more archaic, more WH30k :lol: I used chaos havoc luncher instead of standard Typhoon luncher.


And last, but not least. Unit that technically is not part of fast attack.

But unit that is definitely fast, and they first round attack is usually devastating.

My scouts in Storm Speeder.


Hire is group photo of this team.


They heroic names after translation from Polish are from left to right:

Drain Man, Shorty, Niggling, Screw, Flee bag, and their sergeant Sticky Guy.

As you can see this is not a standard painting schema of Iron Hands or even scout unit.

This is all because of one person their Sergeant Sticky Guy.


Lets face it. To resign from great protection offered by Power Armour, to train young scouts is thing that could be perceive as noble foolishness.

To raid ahead of main force in carton box some optimistic individuals called Speeder Storm. With mission to jump on main enemy force in suicidal attempt to cripple their vehicles is just madness. You have to be totality insane to do such think.

Next to this wearing paper bag on head, yellow pants, or happy face badge is just boring normal ;)

As usually all C&C is welcomed

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