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Just back from the VDM GT in Media Pa.


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In Game 2 my opponent had a very well balanced Ork list.


It included 2 Battle Wagons, a couple of Trucks, a Warboss in Mega armor with a Mega armored squad, Shoota and Slugga boyz, a unit of Burna Boyz, a Lobba squad, a Deff gun squad, some buggies, cans and some Bikes.

The army was massive, so I may be missing a few things.

The primary mission was a single objective in the middle of the board, this objective could be picked up and carried by infantry models. The player in control of the objective at the end of the game wins the primary.

The secondary objective was to wipe all of your opponents infantry from the board and the Tertiary is to kill you opponents most expensive HQ choice.

I won the roll off to go first. I chose to go first this time (many times in an objective mission I'll choose to go second, but with being able to move with the objective, and his speed, I thought it wiser for me to take first turn)

We were playing on a city fight type board with an alleyway in the center of the table and the single objective placed in the center. With a pitched battle deployment I deployed my entire force board center as far forward as possible trying to use the buildings for cover.

He deploys likewise with the exception of his lobbas and the Deff gun boyz who both take positions in the same corner of the board in a building with good fields of fire.

In my first turn I send my Rhino and Razorback up the alleyway, forming a funnel that the Orks will have to come through to get to me. I send ALL my bikers hard up the right side of the board turbo boosting, they are going to have to take out the 2 Units in that building. The rest of my Army Advances. A lucky shot from my Predator takes out the Truck with the Burna Boyz and forces them out on foot, deep in his deployment zone.

In his turn he surges forward, takes some shots but the casualties are few, he is trying to rush the objective.

In my turn, my Bikes reach the Deff guns, rather than risk running and grabbing the objective with about 100 orks in front of me, I begin opening fire as the Orks pour through the opening.

My bikers do their job, and one Pack then takes out the Lobba crew, whilst the other attacks the stranded Burna boyz.

The battle in the center begins to get desperate as the Warboss and his Mega armored boyz break through the gap and into my lines!

He attacks my Large GreyHunters Pack and I use my WolfStandard the Mark of the Wulfen ends up with 8 attacks this turn! (I made my counter attack roll), the battle becomes furious in the center and my casualties are heavy.

The Pack leader with the BloodClaws was doing all he could to contain his pack and keeping them in the Rhino just using the flamer, until they had to bail out and join the fray. My smaller GH pack was on the other side of the street pouring firepower into the oncoming horde.

My two Dreadnoughts seeing my Large GreyHunter pack in trouble charges into the Combat, Supported by my Thunderwolf Cavalry. This swings things the other way, and I win combat and Slay the Ork Warboss! However the price is high.

As the smoke clears the piles of dead Orks are high, but my infantry is gone. I've nothing left to take the center objective with.

My Dreads stomp through the opening, blasting their heavy flamers on the last couple of Orks in the Alleyway. All that remains of his infantry is a Shootaboyz mob.

My Bikers freed up from flanking duty begin their roll up to the center, the only one who can reach the Shootaboyz is the Lord.

He proves to be enough as he Kills four of them and they flee from the board!

After the game, all I had left was My WolfLord, a couple of bikers, my Dreads and the Predator.

He had 3 KillerKans, and a couple of Buggies.

We both ended up with the Secondary objectives of wiping out all of the opponents infantry, and I got the Tertiary objective, killing his Warboss.

I get 11 points to his 10.

An excellent and exciting battle.

My Thunderwolf was great in this battle and was just what I needed against the Warboss and his Boyz, the Str. 6 Powerweapon attacks were a real boon here. (the 6 Dread fist attacks on the charge didn't hurt either)

But this is another example of why I should have WolfScouts. If I had them, they could have concentrated on the Lobbas and Deff gunz and I could have only used one of my two bike packs to go after that end of the board. Using my Lord and his pack to hit the Ork flank earlier.

I really think that the lack of Scouts is what forced the Draw here.

Again, sorry for the lack of pictures, but as I said before. I was having such a great time that it really slipped my mind.

  • 2 weeks later...

Any chance you still remember enough to post up the rest of the battles?


Edited to add: huh, I thought something tickled my memory while reading. Looks like it was probably the same event as this batrep came from.

Ok, before I go on to game 3, I need to post a quick sidebar.


I went to another Tournament last weekend, a RT style Tournament with 20 Players in attendance.

Lots of 'Nids and Vet/Mech IG.


I did take lots of pictures with intent to post full Batreps but I am so far behind I don't know if thats going to happen.


Game 1 was against a Footslogging Chaos army with a Dread in support, he had some havocs and a variety of icons in his squads. This was an objective based mission with 5 Objectives.


I tabled this opponent.


Game 2 was a mission with a random Objective determined in turn 4, and was against Necrons. This player was not looking forward to facing me, as he has never defeated my Space Wolves in many, many games.

Some good shooting on his part and poor saves on my Bikers took them out of action mid game, causing me fits. His Deceiver wasted my 2 Dreads, and went on to contest an objective I was holding. Again some real good shooting on my smaller GH pack, chased them off another objective and lost me the Game 3 Objective to 2. A minor loss for the Wolves and a great day for the Necrons.


Game 3 was against Tyranids in a 3 Objective Capture and Control mission.


I tabled this opponent.


Tabling 2 Opponents gave me enough Battle points to Win over-all even with the minor loss.


We now return to our regular programming and Game 3 WILL be posted tonight!

Good call on that Nat, maybe I'll do that.

Game three was against Vet/Mech IG. He had 3 Vendettas, Some Vet squads, a psi choir, an Inquisitor with a small retinue, and an assortment of other nasty tanks.


The game was a Victory points mission using the Victory points rules in the back of the Rule book with Battle points assigned to brackets. There were NO bonus points for keeping units alive.

My opponent won the roll off for first turn and we set up using a "Pitched battle" type deployment. Not wanting to face the deadly 1st turn volley of the IG, I decided to hold my entire army in reserve.

My reserve rolls were quite bad in my Turn 2, and coming on piece meal really hurt me this game. I don't really see how I had any other choice though. It was so bad, that my opponent told me he would understand if I wanted to concede the game. (This happened after he blew my Rhino with the BloodClaws off of the board, wounding all 8 in the resulting explosion and then me failing FIVE armor saves leaving me with 3 models! then in my turn charging with those last three against a Vet squad and losing the Combat!) Giving up however, is not an option for a Son of Russ...

Even though things looked grim by the time turn 3 rolled around, my biker units did show and Turbo-boosted hard up my right side, in his fourth turn he turned his entire army on the two Biker packs and unleashed the Fury of every gun he had on the table against my Two Bike packs with the Wolf Lord leading the Assault.

When the smoke cleared...

To be continued

You can imagine my opponents frustration when I rolled something in the neighborhood of 15 armor and cover saves and made them all, save one!


I didn't lose a single model from that volley, nothing but an attack bike taking a wound.


Going into my 4th turn, most of my infantry was gone and my Predator and Dreadnoughts still haven't arrived on the board but my Bikers were now in the middle of the Imperial Guard lines.

Rolling for reserves the rest of my army shows! In rolls the Predator, and the 2 Dreadnoughts!


I bring them on in support of the Biker packs, and Fire with their assault cannons, and the Twin linked Lascannon of the Predator.


Their shooting pops open 2 Chimera Transports and My Biker Pack with the Meltagun manages to Pop a third, which was the one with the Choir in it.


My Wolf Lord who had left his Biker pack in the movement phase assaults one of the Big tanks (a Medusa, I think it was) while the 2 biker packs assault their targets (the Psychic Choir and a Vet Squad respectively)


This time I win my assaults, and in one decent turn, I'm back in the game!


The Imperial Guard Forces begin to scramble and his Vendettas respond by targeting all of my armor. His shooting pops the turret off of the Predator, and he blows both the assault cannon and the powerfist off of one of my Dreads. The rest of his army attempts to get lines of sight on my 2 Biker packs who are now wreaking havoc amongst the Guard lines, and in an incredible display of shooting he completely destroys one Pack and takes the other below Half.


In my 5th turn, I still feel pretty good especially if I can get the game to continue long enough for me to do enough damage to my opponents army. My undamaged Dreadnought takes down a Vendetta with his assault cannon. My damaged Dread moves towards a disembarked squad of Vets and prepares to assault, My remaining Bikers head towards a Fresh target as my Wolf Lord positions for a charge on the second Medusa.


In the Assault phase the damaged Dread wins combat and destroys another squad, The Bikers manage to pop a Chimera and force the Squad within to disembark while my Wolf Lord takes the Big gun off of the Medusa.


The tides are quickly turning to my favor. I allow my opponent to roll to see if the game continues into the Sixth turn...


He rolls a One. Game Over.


After tallying up Victory Points and referencing the chart, the IG gain a slight Victory over the Wolves with him getting 14 Battle Points to my 11.


Not bad really considering the totality of the circumstances.


Once again though I really could have used those Scouts to take out those two Medusa Tanks.


Next up,

Game 4.

a close one that!


You did well to turn it round after the start you had! Just a shame the game didnt give you that one more turn :D

After reading about your bikes now I'm thinking its something I could invest in down the line!


keep them coming!

Never surrender!!


The SW prowess in assault gives us a chance for a miracle even if the odds are against us. I read another SW batrep where 2/3 of the GH and rhino squads failed to reach enemy lines but that one squad turned a devastating defeat into a draw by routing 3 enemy troops to clear them off an objective and then moved to contest another.


Nice report!

No, I never do.


The way my list works is that it is often the case that it looks like I'm getting my butt kicked right up until turn 4.


Mainly because of the way I typically play my bikers, my list isn't an Alpha strike list, so much as designed to deal with and respond to these types of lists.

What I think most of your opponents dont realize is that you essentially have a land raider driving around in your wolf lord. the 3 bike units (the two swiftclaws and the lord himself) are by far the biggest threat in the list. Taking out your infantry is annoying, but not as devastating as it may seem.

Ok, Game 4 (I know, finally)

Another Mech/Vet list...


I don't remember his exact list, but it had 2 Vendettas a couple of Medusa tanks, a Squadron of 3 Hydra Flaks, 4 Vet squads in Chimera Transports, ect. ect. All led by Straken, blah, blah, blah...

It was nicely converted and was modeled as a Tyranid Cult army. The paint scheme was simple, and all of the tanks were dry brushed with the first coat being an over brushing of the base color. The conversions however were enough to win this army best painted.

I forget the exact name of this mission but it had 5 objectives in a straight line right across the center of the board all of which were 12 inches apart.

We roll to determine the first turn and naturally I lose the roll off...

He deploys the majority of his army with the Medusa tanks anchoring one flank whilst his Hydra Flak tanks hold the other. His Chimera born squads form the center.

I in turn deploy my large Grey Hunter pack on foot with their Assault Cannon toting Wolf Guard behind a ruined building out of line of sight of the majority of his army, in support of them I place both Dreadnoughts also out of sight. this was on the right side of the board, across from the Medusa.

The rest of my army I hold in reserves. My plan is to quickly grab the two objectives on the right side of the table, while hoping my Bikers come in to take out the Medusa tanks, all the while keeping his Hydra Flak tanks out of the action by limiting their lines of sight.

First turn for both of us is mostly positioning, as he surges forward with all of his chimera tanks for an early grab on the objectives. I concentrate on staying out of line of sight but I manage to get off a few shots with my Grey Hunters pack and my Dreads pop smoke expecting a Vendetta strike.

In my Second turn I roll for reserves, my Smaller GH pack comes in mounted in their Razorback as does one of my Biker Packs (the one without the lord).

I turbo-boost my Bikes hard up my right side as my Large GH pack moves through the ruin, now with a good field of fire, my Dreads also break cover and prepare to open fire.

My shooting is not bad as I begin to pop transports and cause some of his troops to disembark from their rides. His return shooting takes out a couple of Grey Hunters from my larger pack, but manages to completely wipe out my Biker pack (even the cover saves couldn't save me from the torrent of fire they received.)

In my 3rd turn, my Lord with the other Bike pack, and my Blood claws in their Rhino arrive, my Predator crew is still back in the Great hall apparently getting drunk.

I decide that my original plan was a good one, and turbo boost once again up my right side. My Rhino with bloodclaws follows up behind in support. My large Grey Hunter pack continues to move through the ruin towards objectives with the two Dreads in support.

My smaller GH pack covers my left and takes a position to take out his units which have moved board center.

My shooting is pretty effective, as I pretty much ignored one Vendetta as it came on the left side of the board, and I dropped the other.

In turn 4 he decides I'm pressing too hard, and decides he has to ignore my Bikers in an effort to take out some of my infantry, or else I am going to be taking objectives. HIs shooting is once again impressive as he completely wipes out my Large Grey Hunters pack, those darn Medusa tanks need to be stopped.

My Predator finally decides to show up, I bring it on my LEFT side, in order to give the Hydra tanks something to worry about as I press onto the two objectives that he is attempting to control with a large strung out squad covering 2 objectives and attempting to stretch out to cover a 3rd.

But now he is in reach, I move my Rhino 6" and pull up next to a Chimera with a Vet squad in it, this is the important part, the BloodClaws stay in their ride. My Dreads both advance, my small GH pack gets out of their ride and begins to make for board center and the Veteran filled Chimera on the hill. I move the Razorback up behind in support. My bikers advance and I split my Lord from his pack.

My Dreadnought pops a Chimera in the shooting phase, the squad inside has to disembark, I had positioned the Rhino just right, using an IG trick against their own army, my Blood Claws unleash their flamer on the bunched up squad behind its transport, this along with the 2 stormbolters and I take out the squad. My Razorback shoots and blows up the Chimera in the board center allowing my GH to attempt to charge.

In the Assault phase, my small GH pack attempts to charge up the hill, Snake Eyes!!!! nooooooo!!! a failed charge! My Bloodclaw bikers assault a Medusa and destroy it, while my Lord quickly takes out the other one.

My opponent begins to see that he is in trouble, and opens fire with everything he has at my Lord and the BloodClaw bikers, I lose a couple of Bikers but the Lord shrugs off the Lascannon fire with his Stormshield.

Having cleared the entire right side of the board, my Blood Claws disembark from their rhino and quickly take the two objectives on my side of the board.

My Predator breaks cover and begins to make for board center in order to contest an objective or even tank shock the strung out squad next turn. I pop smoke...

My Bikers go for the Vet squad holding the center objective, and my Wolf Lord turbo boosts straight across the board and across my opponents deployment zone. All hoping for a Sixth turn.

In the assault phase I win combat and take out the squad that was holding board center.

At two objectives each we roll for another turn, I forget the roll, but the game continues.

In his shooting, the IG unloads its Vendetta at my Lord and once again does nothing. His other shooting is more effective however as he manages to finish off the BloodClaw bikers and with a lucky shot from a Chimera on the other side of the board gets through my Smoke and pops my Predator with a side shot!!!

He does manage to string out his last squad to hold 3 objectives to my 2.

In my turn, its a simple matter of moving my lord onto the center objective and assaulting the squad. Pulling it off of the two objectives and contesting the center.

I end the game with 2 Objectives and another 12 battle points!!!

My last game was against a really beautiful Night Lords army.

Led by a Chaos Lord kitted for close combat, a Sorcerer with Lash, a few Vet Squads in Rhinos, a few 10 man squads in Rhinos, and a pair of Vindicators.

An interesting thing about this list, I think it had a total of TWENTY ONE Melta-guns!!! :P



If I remember correctly this mission had 2 Objectives on in each players deployment zone, with a pitched battle deployment. I won the roll off for First turn and board side. Taking a close look at his army, I decided to allow him First turn. I did this for a couple of reasons: 1. Maximum range on his army is 24" 2. all the Melta-guns mean he is going to come to me, so there is no need to rush in. 3. I wanted to see his Vindicator deployment, and respond accordingly

He deployed in a spread out fashion across his deployment zone, and held a couple of Vet squads in reserve.

I deployed My Large GH pack in a large Ruin which had my Objective marker in it. My Smaller GH pack was on the left side of the Ruin in their ride, my 2 Dreads were on the Right side of the ruin, my Bikers and Rhino BC pack took the far right with the Predator taking a position with good field of fire on the Vindicators.

In his turn he surged his Vindicators and several Rhinos (one of which had the lord) forward, he had one large 10 man squad with a sorcerer protecting his home objective. With no guns in range, his turn quickly ends.

I adjust some of my units slightly within and around the Ruin, preparing to shoot, my entire Right side zooms forward as quickly as possible, turbo-boosting and popping smoke on the Rhino.

My shooting is good, with 3 assault cannons, and two twin-linked las-cannons opening up, I disable one of the Vindicators, and pop a rhino forcing his lord and a squad of Vets to walk.

Rolling for reserves one of his Vet squads show up and will assist him on his left, which is going to be in trouble if all of my Bikers don't die.

He continues his push towards my center and fires a few pot shots with some melta-guns, but a casualty in the ruin takes him out of charge range.

Shifting his large squad with Sorcerer to assist the newly arrived squad he opens fire on one of my Biker packs with both 8 Bolt pistol shots and 7 Melta gun shots force me to lose 1 Bike to the front pack (the one without my Lord).

He Lashes that Pack in towards his sorcerer so that squad can charge. I make my Counter attack roll. I lose the combat but I pass my leader ship check. All in all, I'm in good shape.

My small GH pack dismounts from their Razorback, they will go after the Lord and his Vet squad, my Large GH pack will target another Rhino that is trying to hit my lines, and my Dreads advance center with the Vindicators as targets. My Predator shifts slightly to now have a commanding position over most of the board.

My Wolf Lord splits from his pack and smashes into the Squad with Sorcerer that had the audacity to charge my Bikers, my other Biker pack charges the Vet squad that came in on the flank last turn, and my Blood Claws Rhino moves forward another 12".

My small GH pack decides to fire on the Lord and his Vet squad rather than just charge in blindly, the Combi Melta, Plasma gun, and 8 Bolter shots kill the entire Squad! Only the Lord with his Deamon Weapon remains.

More damage is done to the Vindicators with shooting.

My bikers win both combats, and either wipe the units out or force them off the board. With the wounds the Wolf Lord caused even the Re-roll wasn't a help.

In his turn, his other reserves show up and decide to come in on my left and attempt to reinforce the Lord and take my Objective.

His Lord charges and having the Mark of Khorne rolls 2 Dice, with something in the neighborhood of 14 attacks, the Chaos Lord wipes the floor with my small GH pack before they even swing.

He consolidates towards my Ruin.

In my Turn, I Drive up the BloodClaws rhino and take his objective. My Bikers move in and finish off the Vindicators, my Dreads shift left and pop the last rhino forcing the last Vet squad on Foot. My Large GH pack Breaks Cover, and opens fire on the lord killing him.

Not much left of the Chaos Army, he Surges forward with his last squad which is on foot, realizing its suicide but there is really nothing else to do.

In my turn, I wipe them out.

Not a Chaos model left on the board, win for the Wolves!

This last game was enough to push my Battle points up and give me 6th place over-all. Not bad, but definitely room for improvement.

I am sorry these reports took so long. (real life always tends to get in the way of the important things.) ;)

Yeah, great reports. I totally missed the ast to reports, and just dug them up from page 4 or something today. Also; the pics from the other tourney would be great to see :P Maybe you could just add them to your web-album for all to see =D

Thanks all!. I already created an album for them Nat.


I am planning on doing a post for them, more of a tactics thread than a battle report with some pictures to go along with some thoughts on how I play the Wolves.


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