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Nurgle CSM


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I've just finished a plague marine meltagunner for my army, and I want feedback on the colour scheme and painting standard. The reason is I took a lot longer on this model than most of my troops in an attempt to convey my colour scheme in the best way... but I can't decide if the effort was worth it (compared to my much quicker process usually), or whether the general colours work or are lacking something. My whole army is painted bone with scorched brown trim, so can't really alter that radically, but I'm more just after comments on whether you think the extra time has paid off or not.


The skin tone of the face was a nightmare, I didn't plan it at all and it went through various attempts before receiving a thinned down camo green followed by Gryphon Sepia wash. Think it's an alright sickly tone though.






Here's some standard troopers for quality comparison (older colour scheme - all troops now have camo green shoulders with metal trim). Sorry for crap photos:









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I'm not a big nurgle fan, as it is I always prefer what you've done here and used a semi-reminiscant of the Death Guard colour scheme. I dislike big green bogeys with bolters.


That said, I agree with the above post, the green bits are just a tiny tad outstanding, but if thats what you were going for then, it is your mini after all.

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The first model looks better from behind. That isn't good but it isn't necessarily bad. I think you need to work on your metallics. They don't look rusty/dirty enough. There is a bunch of rust tutorials on my website.


Try using Mud wash instead of black. Also then add another wash of Gryphon sepia. If you're more adventurous, make your own rust wash, the GW oranges when diluted and muddied a bit make good rust washes.




Also try using Tin Bitz someway maybe...

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I, too, use a white scheme on my Death Guard. Currently, I'm going towards a simpler scheme which actually looks a lot better than what I used to do - I've been painting this army for about 3 years now, so some improvement was inevitable.


In any case, I think there should be more rust on the metallics. I also don't like seeing the tubing on the armor/guns done in metallics. I paint them black myself, and add gray highlights. I think that would tone the metal look down quite a bit, too.


Really like that white, though. You've done a nice job with layering, and making it look dirty.

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Thanks for all the comments, lots of people have told me the metallics look too bright and clean. They really seem to have caught the camera flash as they're duller in real life, but I agree about the lack of rust. I think I will try to weather up the shoulder trim a bit.


My usual rust technique is this:




Which is scorched brown stippled with blazing orange then boltgun metal. It's quick and easy, but I didn't feel it would come across so well on such small areas as the shoulder trim. Perhaps some thinned down scorched brown could be used to add some weathering to the metal though?

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That rust technique looks good. I collected Rust tutorials for a while, they can be found here. It really isn't that hard to do and looks good on Nurgle, Orks, and even Imperial Guard vehicles if done well.


As for tubing I always paint mine a secondary color and not metallic, but metallic would be quick. Keep on keeping on.

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Thanks for all the comments, lots of people have told me the metallics look too bright and clean. They really seem to have caught the camera flash as they're duller in real life, but I agree about the lack of rust. I think I will try to weather up the shoulder trim a bit.


My usual rust technique is this:




Which is scorched brown stippled with blazing orange then boltgun metal. It's quick and easy, but I didn't feel it would come across so well on such small areas as the shoulder trim. Perhaps some thinned down scorched brown could be used to add some weathering to the metal though?


Great!! ;) rusty effect is prefect and very easy!

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Good work my friend, well above most tabletop standards I have come across. In answer to your original question, was it worth the time, I would say 'no' for gaming. Your old minis look just as good. Take into account there's a few squads worth, they're positioned across the other side of the table etc.


If however, you are painting for your own fun and satisfaction then you are free to spend as much time and get them to whatever standard you like, go ahead, you have my permission! ;)

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Haha, thanks servitob! I think I agree really, Bleached Bone doused in Devlan Mud achieves a similar result much quicker, and my main objective is a force that looks decent on the battlefield.


I did enjoy putting the extra effort in though, and I think it's worth giving extra love to certain characters... a sorceror or plagued techmarine for example!





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