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Ghosty's Iron Snakes


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Hey hey, finally finished off my captain/sicarius/khan-stand-in for my Iron Snakes and decided to share it with you lot, I'll obviously be posting my units as I finish off their final detailing over the next 2-3 weeks. So, enjoy. I have a cleaned up a few details since I took the pics, namely repainting the black on the lance shaft and edge highlighting the plasma pistol.


hey look at that! attached images for you viewing pleasure! :D


Captain Phobor/Cato Sicarius/Kor'Sarro Khan





hope you like it.

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not bad at all. I like the attention to detail, even if it is only one or two layers.


I like the base, too, not overcrowded but eventful.


As a little, 'dislike', its a personal annoyance to me when people post links on pics. Its much more enjoyable just to scroll and see.

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not bad at all. I like the attention to detail, even if it is only one or two layers.


I like the base, too, not overcrowded but eventful.


As a little, 'dislike', its a personal annoyance to me when people post links on pics. Its much more enjoyable just to scroll and see.

True enough, but I'm more "Mike Tyson boxed me in the head pew pew pew retarded" when it comes to resizing pictures, but what the hell, just for you I'll edit it :)

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Great work and a nice simple clean paintjob. I'm working on converting this model to an Iron Snakes captain myself so this is a great inspiration. Any more snakes to show us?

I have one of my tactical squads are almost finished, need to do some edging and finish their snow bases, I'll have more pictures up tonight, thank you for your kind words :)

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Nice models so far!!


While I think the Captain´s lance looks fairly well, I don´t think that it looks like a spear, but like a....yeah, lance. Nice paintjob, though.




That's kinda what I was going for with the lance there, buddy. :)

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So, Iron Snakes (Plural). More, more more! Let's see the rest! :)

Day off tomorrow, so I'll have the whole day to screw around painting and taking photos before I have to run my Dark Heresy game, so look forward to more cool finished stuff here, maybe I'll make a thread in the WIP forums too.

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