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Storm Raven Gunships


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  Verythrax Draconis said:
I'm the only one that think that opening it to other chapters makes no sense?


When they finally get stuff to make the marines codices different enough, everybody wants it to be the same for everyone again?


Giving it to 2 chapters (maybe 3 or 4 when DA and BT go gold) makes sense: it's 'unique', but easier to explain by fluff than just one chapter taking it out of the hat. But everybody? Even common stuff like libbies, bikes and dread models aren't there for everyone, so why an oddball like this thing, that even the AdMech barely knew about, should be for everybody?

Indeed the problem with the Storm Raven is that if it is included as a Heavy Support choice, we will not be able to take Land Raiders and Dreadnoughts. Those grapples will never see use, unless Storm Ravens are dedicated transports, or Dreadnoughts are Elites. In which case, we don't have enough Terminators.


I would not be surprised if the Storm Raven were simply transplanted in the very same form it holds now. I simply cannot trust Games Workshop writers to put 2 and 2 together without somehow getting 3.

Nah, Grey Knights don't have Librarians. Their psychic powers are focused around guarding their souls against corruption. Only the really powerful Brother-Captains and Grandmasters use offensive powers. Let generic Marines have their fancy soul lightning etc. We get cover saves ('Shrouding' needs to be a flat cover save, with the caveat that we can't 'Go to Ground' ever), free psychic hoods, daemons get beat when they charge us, and we're the only guys left who can send Greater Daemons and Princes to hell with force weapons.


I like GK Dreadnoughts as they are. Maybe tack on 'Sacred Hull' and 'Blessed' for free (because that should be standard). I'd shift them to Elites TBH. Heavy Support just doesn't make sense.


Stormraven will most likely be a Heavy Support choice, because they're like mini-Thunderhawks. It would be cool to take them as dedicated transports (perhaps the Grandmaster can do it), but I doubt it.


I'd really like it if they moved Landraiders to being dedicated transports. That makes far more sense, even if it's just for our Terminators, because the Chapter armoury would only deploy them as a transport. It's the 666th Chapter, no expense is spared to ensure they purge the daemon.

  Reclusiarch Darius said:
Nah, Grey Knights don't have Librarians. Their psychic powers are focused around guarding their souls against corruption. Only the really powerful Brother-Captains and Grandmasters use offensive powers. Let generic Marines have their fancy soul lightning etc. We get cover saves ('Shrouding' needs to be a flat cover save, with the caveat that we can't 'Go to Ground' ever), free psychic hoods, daemons get beat when they charge us, and we're the only guys left who can send Greater Daemons and Princes to hell with force weapons.


I like GK Dreadnoughts as they are. Maybe tack on 'Sacred Hull' and 'Blessed' for free (because that should be standard). I'd shift them to Elites TBH. Heavy Support just doesn't make sense.


Stormraven will most likely be a Heavy Support choice, because they're like mini-Thunderhawks. It would be cool to take them as dedicated transports (perhaps the Grandmaster can do it), but I doubt it.


I'd really like it if they moved Landraiders to being dedicated transports. That makes far more sense, even if it's just for our Terminators, because the Chapter armoury would only deploy them as a transport. It's the 666th Chapter, no expense is spared to ensure they purge the daemon.


I agree with everything here, except one! GK must get better. Compare it to the Furioso or Ironclad, and it's not worthy! GK dreads are few and far between, should they be Venerable? Should they get a Nemesis Dreadnought CCW? And then how should it differ from normal DCCW? An option for a Dread "shield" to raise it's AV?



GKT Holocaust would like to disagree with only the Brother-Captains/Grand Masters having Offensive Psychic Powers. Justicars focus thier Offensive Psychic potential into thier NFW, making it an equivalent of a Power Weapon. Imagine a Justicar in a Dread focusing that into a DCCW!


Plus things lke Aegis, Shrouding and Rites are all Psychic Based, and could quite easily be transported over to a Dread.

  glsn said:
I kinda figured that Storm Ravens would become Fast Attack for us, considering the great many Fast Attack options we have.


Who knows where they'll end up in the FOC. I don't make any assumptions about what the new list will look like, as there are likely to be some pretty large changes from what we've got now. Whether the end up in Fast Attack, Heavy Support, or even as Dedicated Transport options the point is that they'll be available. The designers are also likely to craft it in such a way as to maximize flexibility of choices and army list variation. Regardless of where they put them, I'll simply be happy that they are there. I know I'll take at least 1, regardless of what happens. I'll take more if it makes sense with the rest of my army list and what my other mobility options are.


As far as the Dreadnought discussion goes, I think we'll see some development of the theme. Dreadnoughts are a terrific concept and have great models. They have been one of my favorite parts of playing Space Marines (I've got 5 Dreadnoughts in 3 different Marine-based armies). After years of relative "stagnation", however, we are finally beginning to see some new concepts being developed with Dreadnoughts, with the addition of the Ironclad versions in the 5th Edition SM Codex and now Psychic-power capable Librarian Dreadnoughts in the brandnew Blood Angels codex. As far as it relates to Grey Knights, I believe we will see some more variety, and some enhanced capability over our old stock Dreadnought of the 3rd Edition Daemonhunter codex. Although not Librarians like the Blood Angels might have, I can certainly envision a psychically potent Brother-Captain or Justicar being interred in a Dreadnought sarcophagus to continue to serve the Emperor and protect humanity. Not all of our Dreadnought options should have to have psychic ability, but the choice for that upgrade should be there. All versions should be slightly more capable than the Dreadnoughts of other Chapters, just as our common troops are slightly better than all other Astartes.



I don't think our Dreadnoughts need that much work. They were the first to have WS5, and once you tack on for free stuff like 'Blessed' (which makes them great anti-Chaos armour snipers) and 'Sacred Hull' (which essentially gives them 'Rites of Exorcism'), I'd say they should stay around what they're costed at the moment.


Venerable....maybe. My issue is that there are so few GK Dreadnoughts, and so few battle-brothers ever want to be in one, that Venerables would be incredibly rare. However, upgrading their frontal AV to 13 would make more sense, as the deployment style and chosen prey of the 666th Chapter require their Dreadnoughts to work up close and personal.


Wargear-wise, psycannons are an obvious addition (we've had the Forge World kit for it for ages). The standard Dreadnought weapon configurations seem to do the job fine. I'd like the option for dual DCCW's, to fit with that close assault role they're meant to have. Nemesis claws (lightning claws that add +2 Strength, thus making it Strength 8) would be pretty cool too.


Once you add in Storm Ravens, the slowness of our forces is largely mitigated. You can get those Dreadnoughts stuck in quickly, and deploy power-armoured squads in support as well.


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