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Bitterness of 'Victory'


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Part I


He cradled the head of a dead comrade in his arms. He was weeping, his tears leaving marks on his filthy face. He weeped for his dead friend, for all the dead men that lay here, for all the injustice in this galaxy, but no matter who much he weeped, he could not change things. He was no god, unlike the God-Emperor. He was a mere human, a soldier amongst billions of others, nothing more.


* * * * *


The voice of men filled the cold evening air. They were singing to the fallen, those who had died during the Battle of the Bloody Tears. Many hours had passed but it seemed like it had happened only minutes previously. The memories would mark each man forever.


Each soldier was buried in a metal casket, their names immortalised on the Scroll of the Fallen and engraved onto the cold metal boxes, their names forever remembered by those who were close to them, the ones who had fought bitterly with them to gain ‘victory’, as the Imperial Commanders called it. This was no victory for the men. It was one of their bitterest defeats. And some still insulted them by calling it ‘victory’.


The fallen men were buried in full armour, with all their remaining equipment. Each one was also buried with a small golden coin with the profile of the Emperor's face on it. Many tomb-looters searched for those as they were worth a year of a normal Guardsman's salary, and so the tombs had to be guarded, day and night, until they could be shipped off to their homeworld of Strakos to be cremated.

Slorkos looked down at the caskets with his comrades' remains in them. Tears were still flowing, but anger had replaced his sadness. How dare they insult us by calling it 'victory'? It disgusted him.

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2. died during the battle that happened mere hours ago


1. It is spelt 'comrade'.


2. This sentence reads a bit clunky, consider revising.


Ona general note, it is very, very good, and I am liking the emotional portrayal of the Guard-when is there going to be PA in it?

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Part II


It was a dark and very cold night. The usual fare for the soldiers fighting in the Solisis Campaign. Slorkos was on guard duty with another man from the platoon. Both of them were huddled beneath a blanket, next to a smoldering fire in a disused oil barrel. None of the men spoke, reviewing the days battle in their minds, each from their own point of view. They were deffinately not the same.


Slorkos had not been with the whole platoon during the battle, his squad had been cut off from the rest of the men after his squad's Chimera was blown up by an enemy missile. He had lost four men, including the soldier with the vox-caster. The Chimera was a flaming wreck and so they could not use the vehicles' vox-transmitter either. Him and his squad had fallen back to a shell hole, fortified with sand bags and dead soldiers corpses. He had known many of the dead men there too, though he did not have time to mourn their deaths until that night. They had eventually pushed off the renegade assault though his squad suffered another three casualties. A Valkyrie Assault Carrier had been sent from the Advanced HQ and had found them a few hours after the attack. They had been transported back to the HQ and his wounded men had been tended to, though only one recovered from his wounds. By the time the aircraft had found them, the wounds had become infected, the infection accelerated by the humid air during those few hours. Slorkos had hoped that they would live and had prayed to the Emperor to save them, but there had been little chance that they would survive. Their losses grieved him deeply.

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Part III


The towering Astartes looked down at the small, round man in front of him. He did not like the man at all. His haughty and arrogant attitude was starting to irritate him.


"Why did you send so many men to their deaths? What was the purpose of that?" He voice was a low grumble, his facial features contorted with disgust and anger. The Imperial Commander went pale. Was it with fear or anger, he could not know...yet.



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