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What would you take?


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Me and a friend were just debating this. Here's the scenario in a nutshell. 20k Apoc game, 10k per side, Imperium Vs Nids, each player can take 1k points of anything from their codex. What would you take?


I opted for x2 Sternguard squads with a few combi-flamer/plasma. 2x Shooty Dreadnoughts (assault cannon, missile launcher/plasma cannon) and maybe a Scout squad with sniper rifles and heaver bolter with hellfire shells. Comes to around 1k ish depending on the finer points of armament.


What would you take? Is the list I chose any good? Any good or bad points to the list?

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How are you delivering the Sternguard?


The shooty dreads are going to be woefully outranged in an apocalypse game... I'd at least err on the side of las cannons and missile launchers if you can't kit them out as 2x TL-Autocannon dreads.


What do you expect the Scouts to do? They dish out an attrociously low number of wounds with sniper rifles and the hellfire heavy bolter.

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The sterns probably in rhinos. Having no idea what other players are likely to take would be a pain. The other option I considered was to take a thunderfire instead of the scouts. I thought of the sniper scouts with hellfire heavy bolter for the 2+ to wound and pinning. I've not played against the nids yet so not totally sure on what best to take.


Was really wondering what others would bring to the table in that scenario. If I knew what the majority of the other imperial players were to bring I'd have a better idea of what I'd need to take to complement it. as I don't then it's just a general what would you bring for 1000pts of anything from your codex (I'm using standard vanilla space marines)

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I'm confused. Its a 20k game but you're only taking 1k worth of points? Is it like 10 vs 10 people?


Either way, if I had 1000 points to spend on Codex Marines, I'd focus mostly on Speeders. Multiple waves of MM/HF speeders backed up by Typhoons


EDIT: From Chaos Marines, I'd bring 6 Defilers and a 2xDCCW Dreadnought for a walker party. Competitively the best choice would probably be 7 Winged Khorne DPs since they can't be insta-killed and they can kill anything from infantry to Titans.

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Yeah I should have explained that better. 10 players per side with each player able to take up 1000 points from their codex.

Like I said, Not come up against nids as yet. It was an Imperium Vs Nids campaign at the Manchester GW did when the new nid codex came out (i assume that was done in some variation pretty much everywhere), I missed it due to work but me and a mate were just chatting about what we'd possibly take as apparently they're running it later this year over a couple of days. This time round I'm hoping to make it

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These are the units I'd consider taking.



Pedro for Sternguard troops

Honor guard in standard Land Raider Extra armor


IG master of the armory or whatever gets the artillery template once a turn.


SM Crusaider filled with 15 battle sisters and Inquisitor with null rod.



Probably 2 units of sternguard Rhino's for delivery as they will be in second rank of vehicles.



Assault termies in Crusaider.



At least one squadron of two Valk's with melta command or plasma



The vindi line breaker formation (3-vindi suad)


A squad of Leman Russes probably a mix of 5xplasma shots + Heavy Flamer and demolisher.


Can you only have one codex per player?

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Weather you're limited to 1 codex per player or not I'm not sure of. I don't know the entirety of the rules and regs they'll be using. Only got the partial details from my mate.


I'll be using 1 codex anyway as I'll be taking bits from my DIY chapter. I've not got loads yet but I've plenty of time to buy build and paint things to take to it.

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I'd personally prefer to focus on a unit of something. I believe last time round you weren't aloud Chapter Masters, although all other HQ choices were fair game. There was 1 Chapter Master (Calgar) controlled by GW staff. I don't know if it will be the same next time round, although I'll assume it will be the same.
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I'd still take sternguard over tac squads. Let your nine other partners worry about objectives. That said, three vindicators are cheap and a beast. Three typhoons will have something to shoot every turn. I would also consider something to take against psykic powers. You can either take a librarian for your cheap HQ or/and a inquisitor from the Daemonhunter codex throught the use of the allied rules in that codex. The focus would be protecting the vindi's.


That's the stuff I'd take because of what I own, what I want to own, and what I have experience with using.

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Last Apoc battle I played my team were all C:SM, so we had 8 drop-pods; first wave had locators and deathwind, second wave none. Five Dreads and 3 Full Sternguard squads in them, we had a great range of deployment options in both the first and subsequent rounds.


Are you playing as 1 big army, or 10 co-operating ones. In fact, how do all you guys deal with army rules in Apoc? Does a Chaplain joining a brood of Genestealers give them Litanies of Gribbly Hate? Does Rites of Battle give grots Ld10?

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Now, if I could take whatever I wanted in this game (and had the models to make it happen)...


8x Dreadnoughts with 2x TL-Autocannons (alas, I only have 6 and only 3 with TL-AC arms).


24 twin-linked, nid-erasing shots. Threatens absolutely everything Nids can throw at you (even wounding MCs at long range), and with accuracy approaching 90%, you will scare them good. And you're immune to small arms fire. And the nids need to expend MCs or large units with rending claws to deal with your dreads, short of throwing Pods full of Zoanthropes at you. It's apocalypse. It's pure LOLHammer anyway, so you might as well bring more dakka.

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