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New Venerable Dreadnought Imperial Fists Style


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Here you go.


In the Tutorials-section you can find my way to approach this paintscheme:





Here are the pics of the finished model:


















I am quite satisfied with the result. The use of Armypainter Quickshade is a fairly quick way to paint my models which is not killing my motivation and still looks good. The usage of this stuff actually allowed me to get whole models done which is a novum for me in all those years that I play those games.

Pedro Cantor and a Rhino are already close to completion.


The rest of my army is going to look like this more or less (my prototype for this paintscheme):



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well mate... you are well and truly on the ball!! that models been out a few days and youve done an amazing job so quickly! I was ready to write off this topic as soon as i saw it as i doubted anyone would have had time to do the model justice yet. But now im glad i looked! Nice one mate!!



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Sehr geil, hätte nie gedacht, dass Quickshade auf so glatten Modellen auch noch so ergebnisse liefert, ich dachte es wird fleckig! :D


good paintjob, I always doubted the use of quickshade on smooth and edgy models like SM. I'd rather use it on more organic models like Orks or Nids...

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Thank´s all. :tu:


I cheated a little as I was given the preview blackbox model of my store to paint. So I had two weeks to work on it. :)


You get the Quickshade here:




I used StrongTone which is the medium blend.


As always you need some experience to make it work well, espcially to control the removal of excess Shade after brushing it on without messing up the surface. Dipping works too but wastes too much material imho. If you don´t like the price tag or are of an experimental mindset then you can find tutorials online to mix it yourself. I am more lazy than in a lack of money so I just bought the well working ready made stuff. ^^


Be aware of the spray paints though, I had bad experience with the white primer. Ymmv of course.


The Shade is of quite thick consistency so it works on larger surfaces reasonably well, too, as it spreads out evenly enough. But you need to be careful not to get it all messed up due to brushing over already dried parts. So yes, it is more diffcuilt to make it work properly on models like Spacemarines than Orks or the like. The next bigger thing to try out on will be a Rhino.

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Thank you all. ;)


For me it is faster than I would normally able to do it. Yet I do take more effort with it than the use of Quickshade normally implies. I could be even faster with leaving out the highlights and stuff but I would not like the end result. Witht the Shade I receive a very nice result but do not have to take as much time as before.

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Well, I finished putting him together quite some time ago. Unfortunately, I intended to use him as an Ultramarine so I filed off the fist iconogrphy. :( Well, he'll be looking good nonetheless. It will take some time to get around to painting him as I don't use that much nowadays.
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