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DIY chapter Predator Annihilator

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Well its been a while. I pledged this to complete this tank in my LPC after an edit after winning it on ebay last week. So after a little TLC and fixing some damage and such the paint was applied and here be the end result. My second Predator Tank. (the first was incidentally done for the last LPC I took part in. <_<)


Left side:


Right side:






And finally a pic to show my progression in painting since I pianted my first tank 2 years ago (which was the preivous LPC Predator.):


All comments apprecatied. :wub:


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Thanks for the reply tyrannosaurus. Yeah the paintjob is thick in some spots mostly due to the previous paintjob on the tank which I went over. The blue and bronze does look better in person and there's a reason for the colours in my DIY chapter. ;)



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Looks like you have some pretty good weathering on that tank. For a more realistic effect that most tank modelers use, weather more parts of the model, focusing on the corners and joins as you have.


As for the paint thickness, you should consider stripping your models and re-priming before attempting a new paintjob. Check out one of the dozens of guides on how to use Simple Green.



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Thanks Angelfire. More detail has since been done on the tank, including more damage, specifically on the turret and sponsons. I'll have to get some simple green at somepoint in the future problem is with uni accommodaiton it tough going to try and use it in the tiniest kitchen around for 8 people...The model itself hasn't actually been primed and simply had UM blue painted over it, so that may have affected the painting when I went over.


I may consider uploading the other newer pics later. :cuss



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