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Single Lightning Claw VS Power Fist

Captain Blut

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Five years ago I swore off GW games because of the upward trend of prices. I stuck to my guns for three years and then broke down and bought two boxes of Black Reach. Now I find myself an inexperienced gamer on the tournament scene. I am starting with local stuff so I don't get overwhelmed but I am having some trouble with army composition. In this post I am concerned with how to equip a chapter master/captain when choosing a single CCW. I am torn between striking at I 5 and rerolling wounds with a lightning claw or striking at STR 8 with a power fist. What has me scared is the abundance of monsterous creatures that are being played by many of the people in my area. On the other hand my commander will usually be joining a Terminator squad in a Land Raider, so there will be no shortage of high strength hits in the group. Please give your opinion on the commander's equipment.


Thank you.

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98.2% of the time, a Power Fist is a bad choice for an HQ unit because it wastes their I5 and you should have plenty of other locations to get Power Fists in your army.


Most people use Relic Blades these days, simply because its the best of all worlds.

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Relic blades are nice, but not what I'm interested in. If I were taking an honor guard with a chapter master I would equip some of them with relic blades. As I understand it relic blades are two handed weapons so you would be unable to equip a combi-weapon or storm bolter. If I'm wrong please let me know. Either way I don't have the skill or resources to covert a relic blade. I'm working with the Commander plastic kit and some additional bitz from various ranges. I did convert the power backpack with skulls from the original plastic skeleton range as the vents (no I didn't chop off the eagles, I used a regular marine backpack as the base), but that's about all I plan on doing to the model.
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It depends on how you're gonna use your Captain, but for my money, I do like the Relic Blade (I give it to a Biker Captain to provide that high-iniative, high-strength, high-WS smattering of attacks on the charge).


Lightning Claws are a cheap suppliment if your captain is getting a Storm Shield (I like giving a Wolf Claw / Storm Shield to a mounted Wolf Lord from the Space Wolf Codex, for instance).


Power Sword isn't bad, but just doesn't add a whole lot.


Power Fist also isn't bad, nor is a Thunder Hammer. But since I'll usually run my Captain alongside a squad with a Thunder Hammer/Power Fist, I'd rather hit on a high init count with the captain and reduce the number of incoming attacks on the rest of the squad and still generally wound on a 2+ with a Relic Blade.


Relic blades are nice, but not what I'm interested in. If I were taking an honor guard with a chapter master I would equip some of them with relic blades. As I understand it relic blades are two handed weapons so you would be unable to equip a combi-weapon or storm bolter. If I'm wrong please let me know.

No more two-handed weapons in 5e. You'll just never get an extra attack for it. So it pairs nicely with a Storm Shield ^_^

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If you get a lightning claw, then get TWO lightning claws. A captain with dual claws is a rather killy guy, and cheap into the bargain.


Relic blade + storm shield is the overall best option, but it's also 15 points more expensive.


Power fists and thunder hammers are a bad idea for generic HQs, since they waste I5 and don't give much. If you want a HQ with thunderhammer/powerfist, get Calgar or Lysander.

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No more two-handed weapons in 5e. You'll just never get an extra attack for it. So it pairs nicely with a Storm Shield :P


Or a Combi-Bolter with Hellfire rounds.


Depends how you're using your Captain. If you're putting him in a Tactical Squad for insurance, or jumping him out of a Rhino then a combi-bolter (or even a bolter) with hellfire rounds is nice as you can stack more wounds in the shooting phase and let your Relic Blade mop out the rest in combat.


But if you're using him as a very killy guy, pairing him with bike squads, assault command squads, assault squads, vanguard etc then he's better of with the SS as it benefits him more in combat.

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