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Once were Red, now they're Dead.

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Quite a long time ago I posted my Nurgle Sorc (an ex-Blood Angel Terminator) which is part of my CSM force and can be found in the general CSM armies post: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=150040


Anyway I've finished (a while back) and eventually photographed the final parts that had been sitting half finished for a little too long, so...


Plague Marines

Asp Champ / Trooper swap out option included hence there being eight of them. Ex-Blood Angels to match the Nurgle Sorc. A/C Power Fist is an old Ork one.



CSM unit with Icon of Slaanesh

Each of them subverted from their original chapter. Custom Meltaguns because I wanted them to look a bit more clunky-tech.



Rhino Transport for the CSM's above

As side note, while I like the DE spiky bits, not so good gameplay-wise on a city board O_o




Probably not the most economical way to get Combi-Meltas :tu:. Icon is handy for a Daemonette summoning option.


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