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Scouts vs. 'nids/Tau


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Right- my main opponents are 'nids and Tau. I've got Scouts with a LSS, and envision this units used in two roles:


vs. Tau: alpha strike, using the Scout move and the LSS's fast movement/flatout in 1st turn to reach Tau lines for CC to either tie up his Broadsides/pathfinders/firewarriors, or target his Hammerhead with sergs' combi-melta then meltabomb/powerfist/krak grenade it in CC.


vs. 'nids: harrasment, cleaner, last turn objective grabber, anti-lictor, LSS interferes with sporepod deploment. Drive-by shootings.


So, question is- give the scouts shotguns, or bolt pistol-CCWs; and for the LSS either multi-melta or heavy flamer. Does the BS3 for the melta handicap it too much? Can five scouts with shotguns hold their own against 10 firewarriors or two broadsides?

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Heavy flamer all the way mate definitely. It can't miss. I wouldn't shoot Tau with shotties, they may fail a leadership check and leave you stranded with no assault. Get in and carve them up, but try to engage 2 squads; one probably won't break and will leave you free of being shot to bits.


There is another thread about LSS/scouts here, have a peek :)



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Heavy flamer all the way mate definitely. It can't miss. I wouldn't shoot Tau with shotties, they may fail a leadership check and leave you stranded with no assault. Get in and carve them up, but try to engage 2 squads; one probably won't break and will leave you free of being shot to bits.


There is another thread about LSS/scouts here, have a peek :)




Tau are one of the best opponents for scouts, they fold like little babies in cc and scouts can infiltrate/outflank and get first turn assaults.

If you take ccws on the heavy flamer LSS scouts (i use combi-flamer and fist too) and charge two units then the ld modifier from the cerberus launchers will affect both units.

your likely to run both off the table ;)

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