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LPC: Sisters Seraphim squad

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For my LPC I pledged to paint a squad of Seraphim for my Order of the Exalted Saint. So, this is the first of my two WIP updates. Time is abit of a premium at the moment, so i'm hoping I get them done in time.


My Order's armor is actually purple. I thought I might do black on these girls, then, after I had done it, decided I would do them purple. My initial reasoning for black was that it was more stealth like. I just didnt like the way it looks, so, i'll be slapping some poiple on next.


Here is what I have so far:


Undercoated, and face/hair painted





With black armor (soon to be gone) and cream robes:







I have to say that these are among some of the most boring minis i've had to paint :unsure: so I hope, when GW bring out their plastic Sisters, ^_^ they'll make our flying nuns a little more dynamic ...

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Thanks for the kudos.


Actually the hair is really simple, I mean really simple. Basecoat bleached bone, wash with devlan mud, drybrush bleached bone. Thats it!


On a couple of the models it looks good, but there are a couple of the girls who look like they are wearing bad wigs, due to the odd sculpting. I was tempted to do them pink :D

OK, I managed to get another couple of hours work on the FNOD last night. I'm glad I decided to change their armor to purple, they are looking better already:


One wonders if they make screechy birds noises for a laugh when they aren't pounding the enemy into the dirt... :tu:







Close ups of my two faves:





C+C Welcome!


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