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Siege Space Marine army.


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Hey, was just wondering about the viability of a "siege" style Space Marine army. The rough outline I'm thinking (in 1500) would be;


Master of the Forge on a bike (tracks) with a Beamer.

3 Rifleman Dreadnoughts

30 Tactical Marines, 3 lascannons, 3 Melta Guns, 3 Combi Meltas, 2/3 Rhinos and 0/1 Razorbacks

2 Vindicators



Was just curious if anyone had played with a similar style of list? How does it play? Is there anything that I should be aware of etc? Thanks!

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You might get more attention by posting up in one of the Tactica Astartes sub-forums.


If you are seeking to run a gunline, which is how such an army would be played, there are better ways to do it - Anything you don't kill, and there will be something, that gets into CC with you will turn you over.

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Well i'm more seeking help on how such a list would run :pinch:


The combat thing, I was kind of (it's probably a false hope) hoping the dreads could tie things up while I gained distance. However, I wouldn't say this is a "true" gunline. The only immobile elements would be the lascannon combat squads. The dreads, MotF, and tanks can all run n gun at full efficiency.


I'm seeking people with experience at running a list similar to this and asking how it plays, and what changes would you recommend? How could I stop it being such a pushover in combat?



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Master of the Forge on a bike (tracks) with a Beamer.

3 Rifleman Dreadnoughts

30 Tactical Marines, 3 lascannons, 3 Melta Guns, 3 Combi Meltas, 2/3 Rhinos and 0/1 Razorbacks

2 Vindicators



I like the army build with the exception of the MotF. I've always thought of him more as a novelty character. More importantly, it lacks the vital P. Hood of a Librarian.


Tactically, I see nothing glaringly wrong with the army.


Basic plan would go something like this:

Set up RMDN (RifleManDreadNought) with good lanes of fire, hiding in cover would be even better.

Set up Whirlwind behind terrain to deny LOS.

Set up Vindicators behind or in terrain to deny LOS or at least get a cover save.

Tacticals could either set up inside their Rhinos, behind their Rhinos (if you plan to sit and shoot) or behind cover.


If you're fighting a more aggressive army, you are best served by dumping firepower into transports with Tac Squads and RMDN and mopping up the infantry with Vindicators and Whirlwinds. Combat squadding the Tacs might be useful, allowing you to have some sort of mobile counter/assault element. Sure they might not do much but they can tarpit a unit for a turn before you can fire again.

Against a superior shooty army, load your Tac squads up and start moving forward. Put them behind a wall of Vindicators and Dreads who can both move/shoot fairly well. Whirlwind could even hang out behind this mass and fire directly since it will be a low priority.

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Guys, what would you advise taking as that third heavy support slot? I'm not completely sold on the whirlwind, and think this list could really use more anti tank. What do you think? Another vindicator? A Las/AC pred? Thanks in advance ;)


I'm also tempted by a thunderfire O.o


Any thoughts on those lil artillery pieces?

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I'd recommend you find 35 pts and swap out that WW for a combi pred for long range anti tank. although you do have 3 las cannons in yout tacks and plenty of melta having a dedicated anti heavy armour unit if both fluffy and useful. you shouldn't have too much bother against transports with 3 rifleman dreads...


as an aside I have found the most success when I run my tacs as dedicated anti infantry units with flamers and combi flamers and some sort of blast weapon. ie plascann or missile launcher and leave tank hunting to combi preds, speeders and bikes. This frees up some points and I don't feel i'm wasting bolter shots so a melta + serge can have a go at a tank.


That being said your current list would be a bit of a challenge to face. Good luck with it buddy!




Thunderfire cannon is awesome as is quite likely to survive a turn or two as your enemy would be concentrating on the vindis. Popping a transport and then thunderfiring the tightly packed troops afterwards is loyalist lash... and brings a nice smile to your face :(:D

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