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Anti-obliterator advice needed


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What do you use to counter heavy obliterators lists?


Some of the most annoying lists I see in tournaments include 2 lash demon princes and at least 6 obliterators as a standard plus 3 more and berzerkers, plague or noise marines in rhinos.


Is there an efficient way to deal with them in and out of a tournament ?

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Use Rhinos and Reserves. Plasma and Melta help too. And CC (Oblits, while nasty, aren't that nasty in CC due to low numbers).


Failing that, score your opponent zero for originality, list construction and fluff-appropriate.

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Meltaguns. Bike squad with 2 meltaguns, attack bike with multimelta and sergeant with combi-melta works well for me. Turbo boost to get 3+ cover then ram 4 meltashots down their throats. Any failed invulnerable saves = dead obliterator. Or plasmaguns, essencially AP2 weapons.


Alternatively, fight fire with fire and get some assault terminatos with thunderhammers and shields.

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Librarians with Nullzone. Stops the Lash and weakens their minor Inv save. This goes both for DPs and the Oblits.


Expect to see this kind of list anytime you play Chaos since its the main viable Chaos list. Melta/Plasma and Power Fists will all help take out those pesky PMs as well.

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Yeah that's the main list for the one chaos player around here. Since he's the only one that runs it, it's somehow original for him. He's the type of player that sold his soul to tourney lists and has never learned how to use a codex. "Deamon princes and death guard are the only useful units in the Chaos codex", he says.
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As has been mentioned, mech up, Lash cannot touch embarked units. AP 1-2 weapons deal with Oblits just fine, as does str 8+/instant death weapons (combine the two and you have a winner)


Failing that, score your opponent zero for originality, list construction and fluff-appropriate.
Yes! Penalize him for taking some of the few competitive choices in Codex Spiky Marines. ;)
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I used Vulkan Hestan with a Tactical Squad with a melta and rocket launcher with sergeant sporting a power fist to hunt them down in one game. Meanwhile the rest of my army tried to slow down the Daemon Princes. There were TWO of the darn things.
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Get in your Rhinos and Razorbacks.


If you (for some reason) aren't meching up, then shoot the Princes until they die from it. Otherwise, start with the oblierators.


If you're indecisive about who to take for your HQ, a bone-standard Librarian is a wise investment (yay psychic hood).


Obliterators have precious little endurance. So long as you have a halfway-decent firebase, you can blow them out of the water by just piling on the wounds from medium-to-high strength shots.


Then it's just a matter of slogging through some plague marines. Not too threatening, but a chore to clean up.

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Having some handy lascannons to snipe those obliterators is always a good thing. You can get reliable (and cheap) lascannons from combipredators and land raiders. If you get close to them, meltaguns and plasmaguns will do the job. Fast-moving multimeltas (on attack bikes and speeders) are great, because they give you an effective 36" range.


Again, obliterators may as well be in cover, it's still only a 4+ save, and if they're out of cover it's only 5+. A single failed save equals a dead obliterator. Real nice.

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I've used a Callidus assassin to go effect versus an Oblit heavy Lash Prince list. Simply move them out of cover if you go first ("A Word in Your Ear"), and/or base one or more of them when the Callidus arrives. Very efective in neutralizing them as a threat.


One thing to watch out for is the canny Oblit player that deep strikes one or two Oblit units behind your transports, for some close-in melta shots. I find Legion of the Damned to be a goods counter-Oblit units, if Officio Assassins aren't your thing.



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