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Space Hulk Squad Lorenzo is finally finished

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Phew, they're all done, finally. Took me a while, but that's what being a father does to your hobby, kids. :tu:

Next up are the 22 stealers from Space Hulk. I'll rush them, hopefully I'll have them playable by March 27, when it's game-time for me.

So here are the pictures, comments and questions are welcome as always. -_-












Follow this link for some detail pictures of Sgt Lorenzo, posted earlier

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Great stuff.

Im working through mine and know the joy and pain of these models.

I know what you mean about trying to paint while been a father! On the plus side my 2 1/2 year old has picked up a brush and started painting some of my older figures. (this involves dunking the brush to the bottom of the pot and covering the figure)


Keep up the good work

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Thanks for the positive feedback so far. ;)


Personally, I'm especially happy with the cracked cruxes (Charadon Granite, shaded with Badab Black and Devlan Mud, highlighted by adding Astronomican Grey to Charadon Granite), the gems (Liche Purple, Warlock Purple, then WP + Skull White) and the worn metal (all kinds of metallics and shades).


Well, the red is rather nice too, I agree. :P

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Great Work!!

tell me,Have yo ever thought(an evil tentation....XD) use SH miniatures for you chapter?Look the fangs,calyx....XD

You mean the Flesh Eaters? Well, no. I've retired the FE's after ten years of service.


Instead, I'm starting a proper BA army finally, based on the colours from these guys.

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Great Work!!

tell me,Have yo ever thought(an evil tentation....XD) use SH miniatures for you chapter?Look the fangs,calyx....XD

You mean the Flesh Eaters? Well, no. I've retired the FE's after ten years of service.


Instead, I'm starting a proper BA army finally, based on the colours from these guys.

Ouch!!!They served well,with Honor and Pride

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Fantastic job on these Des, very smooth work, especially with the red.


One question though, how have you done the purple Genestealer flesh? Looks far more natural that you'd usually see.

Hey thanks.


IIRC, it's Hormagaunt Purple, shaded with watered-down Leviathan Purple and Badab Black, then highlighted by adding white to the basecoat. Some additional washes in between layers, I think. Nothing fancy, really.


I would have used Fortress Grey instead of white, but the blasted paintpot was all dried up.

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