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DIY- "Dark" Angels (pic heavy)

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Hello and Greetings all, IQ Lord Bob here!


A while ago i become bored with my Standard Witch Hunters Army and Started playing around with my Dark Angels Death Wing list. As i played around with it i started to feel more inclined to add more to the army and make it a slightly more all around better force, with more options and stuff.


Currently i have 21 Terminators in various configs (YAY deathwing), 17 Standard Bolt gun D00Dz (my troops refer to themselfs as D00Dz, why because i loved Prinnies from Disgeia), 2 Vets, 4 Lascannon Devs, 2 PlasmaCannon Devs, 6 Rocket-Lawn-Chair Devs. Vehicles include a Land Raider Crusader, 2 Standard Pattern Land Raiders (One barrowed from my IQ Lord), a Dread, and a Razorback/Rhino.


An unusual thing happened to me recently and i had the desire to paint, something that happens only once and usually needs an act of god to happen (yes I'm the gamer with all grey models or spray painted primer black). Enough of my Ramblings here is most of the stuff I've put more then a spray coat of primer on (except one model).


First up are My Vets, I'm pretty proud of these, the hard lining/extreme highlights accually didn't totally fail this time around. They are fully magnitized and have the following options painted and ready to go: Power Fist, Chain Sword, Bolt Pistol and Plasma Pistol.







Next up are my standard Boltgun D00Dz, the finest ablative shielding my chapter has to offer!




Now for a group picture of my Terminators and my Landraider, the unpainted model is my attempt @ converting a DA-ish Chaplin cause I'm poor right now.





Some better shots of my WIP Chappy Krum!






And lastly my Venerable Dread, The mighty Brother Ricardo Martinez! (Ricky Martin for those of you who miss the joke).





C&C is always welcome, i know the terminators need a lot more work to be done, just posting what i got going on so far :P Hope you enjoy it~

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Hmm... Interesting choices with coloring. The dread looks straight white instead of bone like Deathwing. Another thing thats throwing me off is the blue on the marines and the chaplain's head is tiny as is his crozius. You might want to wait and get some more bits before you plunge into the Chaplain. Good job otherwise
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@Shadow Nugz


One of the things that always accually bothered me about Dark Angels/Deathwing is the Deathwing paint style, so i went ahead and had fun with it, so i went ahead and painted it PINK vice the bone white of the normal deathwing, for some reason the bone white never appealed to me, but nothing beats the expression of people when you drop 20 pink terminators on the table.

I do agree however that the chappy needs alot more work >< havent been able to find a suitable skull helm in my bits.




Yes the smoke launchers of chaffing. STR 2 Hit to the front armor! But yeah i'm trying to tone it down some, the pink Death Wing was accually the first attempt @ the painting and i'll proboly tone it back a little in the future.


Next thing i plan on painting up is a Ravenwing box i have waiting for me for this saturday, that should be fun :).

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@ Bartali


Usually a big ";)...lol man that's epic."

i've had people just start laughing for several straight minutes.

and the occaional Girl gamer(rare as they are) will pick them up and go "omg these are so cute!"


Reactions are usually varied and makes this army worth painting to me, cause as i pretty much hate painting. But the long retired artist in me still loves reactions so if i can get a good reaction out of something I'll continue to do it and accually find some sort of enjoyment out of it.

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