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Storm Raven

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I've been away from the hobby for a few years other than to pick up the odd model or two but after a chance encounter with a mate of mine the discussion led to the new blood angels codex.

After a quick visit to pre-order the codex along with a couple of boxes of death company I've decided venture back into the hobby with a new army. Not sure about doing it as Blood Angels but quite fancy having a bash at the Lamenters.


The selling point for me was the Storm Raven and I immediately began work on the flyer with very little info to go on. The following is the basic shell of my marine flyer made from a plastic BA land raider I started a while back but lost interest in and a Valkyrie that I had started but gave up with after misplacing the canopy for the cockpit.


It's a bit of a hatchet job at the moment but I'm currently just putting the frame work in place and working out where everything goes. I'm using milliput to fill the gaps so that once the majority of the model is in place I can sand her down before adding the next layer of plasticard to start the detailing. I'm going to use influences from the thunderhawk and will have sliding doors on the sides for the access points. The dreadnought lifter will be on the rear which I have yet to make.

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Thanks. :P


I'm going to mount the blood missiles on the wings as normal and maybe the twin linked heavy bolters as well. If the rumours about hurricane bolters are true then I'll mount them on sponsons on the front either side and go for all out anti-infantry fire. That way along with the missiles it'll be rolling around eleven dice of varying strengths which should put the wind up infantry heavy armies.


As far as I know the assault cannons can be swapped out for twin linked las-cannon or plasma cannon and the heavy bolters swapped out for twin linked multi-meltas or a typhoon missile launcher I think?


I may swap the heavy bolters for multi-meltas if that is the case.


Yeah it's a shame there is nothing to go on in terms of pictures. If they do get around to releasing a proper one (which I hope they do) then I'll just rename this as a Storm Raptor or something.

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I give you 11/10 for trying the LR/Valk hybrid, and from what you've done so far it look very good :lol: . My one reservation, which is confirmed by your photos, is that the hull just looks a little too big and bulky in relation to the disproportionate wings. Maybe it's just the side view as opposed to the front and plan pics - if the hull wasn't quite so deep I think it would be spot on proportionately.


I'm still tempted to wait for FW's Storm Eagle though, but top marks for the effort mate.

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Thanks all. :)


Vel'Cona: I'm putting the dred holding area on the rear of the of the hull so that he fits on the outside. :)


Angelus Mortifer: I think the trick will be to add flight fins to the hull to bulk it out a little more. I tried larger wing spacers to add some size but it was getting a bit too big. I think it will pretty much be a flying brick once finished though. :)

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i actually think you can make it look even a bit more like a thunderhawk bu ataching a rhino hull to it on the rear and place the wings above them because it has to look like one if they really were this stupid to mistake it with one



edit: here's a mock up i did, maybe you find it helpfull


those little frontwings are the ones on the rear of the valkyrie and are meant to be placed horizontal

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Thanks all. :(


hendrik: That looks pretty cool. I think I may be too far into the build now but I may have a bash at altering it to be more like that picture.


verpine: The way I see it is that the pilot is sat inside behind a bank of of consoles, I'm guessing that it'd be something like the way a Land Raider driver can see whilst being enclosed in the tank.


WIP Space Marine


Here's the first test model for the chapter that I'm thinking of calling the Exsanguinators.




Rather than do them with the white company symbol for the shoulder pad I've gone for a red blood drop instead to represent the third company.

I tried all manner of icons for the chapter badge but in the end settled for a white winged red blood drop so that I can avoid having to remove blood angels icons from any models.

I'm going for a more gritty look for these guys with this being the first member of a ten man squad. I'm aiming for a dreadnought heavy force so may only have the one tactical squad that I can combat squad for objective holding.

I thought I'd go for a yellow paint scheme because it's something different and have used the contrasting colours of red, black and white to create a theme for the models.

Now that I'm happy with the scheme I'll be starting the rest of the squad. I'm also making a furioso dred armed with Blood Talons from the venerable dred kit because there are so many options in the kit and it's much more detailed than the standard model.

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I really like the test marine. Yellow is something different and your painting skills are awesome!

It still looks like a blood angel, and not like an imperial fist


One point though: perhaps you can paint the chest eagle in a different colour? I'd suggest black or a dark grey

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