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Mech Eldar game


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On Wednesday I will be playing my friends mech eladar army, This is is his first time playing it at 1750 (he has however been playing necrons for a couple of years), I would really like to beat him I always lose to his necrons, I drew with him at 1000 points and was a turn away from basically complete annilition of him. I think he will be running:

2 wave serpents w/ unknown numer of fire dragons

2 wave sepents w/ five dire avengers each

2 fire prisims

one wave serpennt with howling banshees and a farseer


any tips, recemendations, or anything useful at all is appreciated

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First, my usual disclaimer: tailor your list at your own risk. You're much better off building yourself an all-comers list and learning to play that against any opponent than switching your list every game to be ready to fight a new opponent.


That said, Mechdar win by annoyance. A good Mechdar list is going to spend most of the game running away, while they chip away at your ability to give chase. There's no rock-hard Seer Council waiting to run in and stab you to death. They win by pelting away with modest gunfire while crusing around in their fast, survivable tanks.


To win, you can either try to out-maneuver them, or you can outshoot them. For Marines, both are tough, but not impossible.


First stop: you need a good ranged firebase. And by "good", I mean able to reach out and maim somebody at 48". Autocannons are excellent at this: single-shot weapons have an annoying tendancy to slam up against Eldar vehicle wargear and do absolutely nothing. Land Speeder Typhoons are also incredibly weapons here: 2 Krak Missiles per turn will put a crimp on Eldar plans. So you want to lob a lot of shells at them every turn. Keeping shooting. The Mech Eldar gameplan is to blast you out of your transports and run circles around you, leave your army spread out across the table so that your opponent can isolate parts of your army and deliver a crushing short-ranged attack. Believe it or not, you'll win by playing their game and getting into a long-ranged shooting match, so long as you can keep your army together.


Roll your whole force towards an objective, sending long-ranged S7 and S8 shots into the Eldar Tanks. The Eldar player needs to blow your guys out of your vehicles, while you just need to slow his down. Note that I said "tanks". Unlike in every other game, spread your shots. You want a glancing hit on every single Eldar Tank across the table. Eldar Tanks are just too resiliant to take out successfully, so glance everything, keep their return fire weak. Keep your army together, so if your opponent decides to try to drop off specialist infantry (Dire Avengers and Fire Dragons are the most common in Mechdar), they'll get off some shooting, then get butchered in exchange.

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It is a game of cat and mouse and you can only win one way... be the cat. I just kinda back-up what has been said already... Eldar is my main army I have 10K or so and have been using them for 10 years so I know a thing or twenty two... Although funnily enough I tend to play Infantry based Eldar armies and always get told my lists are crap... and people never understand why I win (rigged dice).


I was using Dark Eldar today (but in very limited points so the situation was closer to how you would play a normal Mechdar) and yer all I did was run and hide and snipe at enemy units (fast units and units with long range threats to my raiders, :mellow: well anything more serious than a bolter in my case)... then if I thought it was safe enough I would pounce on my helpless enemy and gobble them up. The people who did best against me (excluding the 1 person who beat me and did so by getting incredibly lucky as far as I'm concerned) were the people who played my game :rolleyes: so it's true.

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