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Black Templars vs Chaos - what to use


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Me and my friend fight each other frequently, he uses a CSM army with a defiler, daemon prince and abaddon being the main focus of the army, supported by 2x10 man squads of khorne berzerkers, and a 10 man squad of possessed. He also includes a 5 man havoc squad. We play 1750 point games, what would be a good counter against this? Obviously taking down abbadon and the daemon prince is a priority. I play Black Templars.
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Depends on the models you have.


Obviously Accept the Challenge...


x3 Land Speeders with MM to take care of anti vehicles and x2 LRCrusaders. One with 6-8 Assault Terminators with LCs and Furious Charge. The other with the EC, x10 Initiates and 4 Neos: PFist and MG.


Add 2+ Rhino Borne Crusader Squads with Plasma or Melta and PFists.


A tri-Las Predator should handle the DP or Defiler.


Charge those ATerminators at virtually anything and it'll disappear.


Add virtually anything else if you have the points (dreads with Lascannons and CCWs could be useful) but don't bother with another IC.


Shoot the DP and Defiler dead.


Abaddon is on foot. Shoot and avoid if at all possible. If you've mech'd up he'll never catch you. Failling that, Tarpit him with the big CS and duel him with your EC (you'll lose but he'll not be able to take out the rest of the CS, giving you the chance to kill his retinue).


Use your rhino squads to take objectives/kill havoks/etc


Prioritise targets and mission.


Abaddon is only really an issue if he's in a LR and then he's a point sink.


Good luck.

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*Nods* Indeed, Blacktemplar terminators can be akin to vindicators in purpose.



They make things go away, basically.




A ten man claw armed terminator squad assaulting from a crusader will kill any infantry unit it is attacking. I don't care what special character it is, they are going to die once assault begins. Forty power weapon attacks that re-roll failed wounds.... Only the dice gods can stop you.



The other problem is the obvious point sink a unit like that will cost your army. But It's well worth it I assure you. :)

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A ten man claw armed terminator squad assaulting from a crusader will kill any infantry unit it is attacking. I don't care what special character it is, they are going to die once assault begins. Forty power weapon attacks that re-roll failed wounds.... Only the dice gods can stop you.


You can't fit 10 terminators in a crusader, but 8 will do the job well enough.

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