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Crusader VS Redeemer

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It comes down to this, for me:


The LRC and LRR really comes down to Hurricane Bolters vs. Flamestorm Cannons. They're otherwise identical ('cept for price.)


Hurricane Bolters rock when I get to slow down long enough to shoot them. If I'm gonna be rolling at 6" a turn, laying waste to stuff before tossing out the Assault Troops, LRC is perfect. Ideal against big mobby enemies like Orc or Tyranids. They're rumbling to me, I'm rumbling to them with lots of bolt shells blowin' stuff up.


Flamestorms on the other hand, rock because PotM allows me to drive 12" and still fire one of them. Compared to a Hurricane Bolter, the Flamestorm gives me a much higher potential in a single shot than the Hurricane Bolter does. So, I'm gonna be rushin' around, trying to catch speedy little twerps, like Tau or shooty Eldar, and rarely going to be slowing down long enough to fire defensive weapons, the LRR is great.


The Godhammer is a whole different beast altogether. No assault launchers, so if I want assault troops they better have their own Frag Grenades (or wield Thunderhammers/Powerfists which swing at initiative 1 anyway.) Swappin' the Assault Cannon for Heavy Bolters is a pretty significant drop in firepower (1 str, 1 shot) but I gain 12" of range. Lastly, the Lascannons are sweet for poppin' transports/medium tanks and to a lesser extent AV14 stuff. I find the best way to use them is to sit in the back with a gun line, protecting your counter-punch unit from enemy fire and popping things open so your other units can destroy what was inside before rumbling forward and deploying your counter punch unit right into the thick of things.


I usually find the LRR to be my LR of choice. Lots of Marines in my local metagame, I wouldn't be using the LRC's full carrying capacity and I'm often having to drive too fast to use defensive weapons.

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I am currently using a double raider list with a Godhammer and Crusader combo. I find the combo to be quite effective, and this is my take on the two tanks.


The Godhammer can be used to destroy enemy transports and disable heavy tanks. Sadly the lascannon is only Str 9 AP 2, which isn't enough to be a significant threat (by significant I mean one that makes your opponent go 'o shiii...") threat to anything more than AV 12. Just be glad that you keep the enemy tanks from firing for one turn, maybe and only maybe destroying them if you get lucky. The Godhammer is meant to sit back and pester enemy armour, the fact that it can fire two Lascannons per turn (and at different targets) if stationary making up for the weapons inadequate strength. Don't rely on the las to destroy enemy heavy armour, leave that to the melta weapons. Most targets will get a cover save either through terrain or upgrades anyway.


The LRC on the other hand is an extremely versatile behemoth that can lay down a withering hail of fire on the move. It is effective against all infantry (even MEQs due to volume of fire). It also has a multi-melta which is an excellent anti-tank weapon. It is reasonably efective at long range, but really shines when you get up close.


I have never played with a LRR but I'll give you my opnion. The LRR on the other hand is... situational. It has has 3-4 main weapons, and seeing that you can only fire two a turn on the move reduces its versatility. Furthermore it is hard to use the flamers extremely effectively due to the large size of the vehicle, and unless you're completely surrounded by troops it's hard to use more than one flamer. I think that you should only really use the LRR if you know you're going up against MEQ armies (which in reality whill make up the majority of any tournament), and only if you have practiced enough with it. The LRR also suffers against Multi-wound models, whereas the LRC can potentially do more.

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I see a bunch of people saying that a redeemer is better than a crusader and 'costs less'.

Ever thought that maybe it's MORE expensive if a unit isn't shooting as often as possible?



Flamsstorm cannons... like all flamers... tend to only be used once... maybe twice a game.




Now a crusader will shoot five or six times in comparison. So think about that, more shots for only 10pts extra or 10pts free for almost no shots whatsoever?



Maybe I'm just biased....

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It does have an Assault Cannon and a Multi-Melta as well.


And anything that's out of range of the Flamestorm Cannon you probably want to be driving towards to drop your Terminators off anyway.

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A crusader also includes assault cannons, and a Multi-melta can be easily bought for anti-armor.

I tend to find crusaders getting more kills in a single game than redeemers simply due to the lack of shootable targets.

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Sadly the lascannon is only Str 9 AP 2, which isn't enough to be a significant threat (by significant I mean one that makes your opponent go 'o shiii...") threat to anything more than AV 12.


Can you explain this? If my memory isn't failing me, a multi-melta is only Str 8, so what's going to be better than a lascannon?

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