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Emergency Force Organisation query...


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Green question I know, but I don´t have a rulebook/codex to hand; how many Fast Attack slots are you allowed, 3 or 4? I´m keen for it to be 4, but have a nasty suspicion that it´s only 3...


If 3 is the case... What are the advantages/disadvantages of fielding Landspeeder squadrons (in this case in pairs) as opposed to single models?


The pros for single speeders I would guess be attacking multiple targets simultaneously, being able to hide behind terrrain more easily, and single enemy shooty units only being able to bring down one per turn, rather than two. Does this make squadrons of two speeders impracticle?


An answer for the first and a discussion for the second...? cheers

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In a regular Force Organization Chart it's three Fast Attack choices maximum.


You're right about multiple target selection, but terrain is a more complicated issue as for Squadrons of vehicles, the entire Squadron gets a (4+) cover save if half or more of the whole Squadron is in cover.


This means that while a single Speeder is easier to get totally out of LOS from a single angle, multiple Speeders are easier to arrange into fighting positions while still getting cover from wide arcs of the board.


You also give away less kill points, and you can mix and match a cheap speeder with an expensive one to reduce the chances of the expensive speeder being hit and losing the use of its main gun.

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