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The Emperors Light 1000pts


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Well, bar a bit of tidying up of a tactical squad and adding some insignia etc, I've hit the 1000 points fully painted. This is the first full Marine force I've painted in 10 years. I managed to break both my arms back at the start of the year so just being able to paint again is something I've greatly enjoyed. These are pics of my Terminator Assault squad, tactical squad and Iron Dreadnought. I'll post the rest of the force later this week.

























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wow, outstanding blue you have there. very crisp and clean looking models, doesn't seem to be any paint out of place!


but i gotta ask, how did you manage to break both your arms? was it due to some horrible "trap"? (in reference to your avatar, the esteemed Admiral Ackbar)

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but i gotta ask, how did you manage to break both your arms? was it due to some horrible "trap"?


Haha, that is a terrible joke...yet I still laughed. As for the Marines, I can only echo what everyone else is saying in that the blue is fantastic. Yet, I feel they are lacking something. I think they need a little bit of something, to break up the blue. The tac marines with the white helmets are my favourite, the white helmet and knee pads does just this, and I feel that the termies could really benefit from having a little bit of white somewhere on them as well.

Hopefully we will see many more of these dudes however,


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Cheers for the input guys, much appreciated. Taking the white idea on board to brea up the whole bluiness ( I think I just made the word up) but I'm gonna definitely look at that


The arms........jeez, not a good peroid. We had a cold snap at the start of the year, I slipped on icy cobbles walking to work, fractured both radial heads in my arms, net result was one arm in a cast, the other just left to heal. I actually painted the Ironclad four days after my cast came off I was so eager to get painting again!

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  • 1 year later...

Talk about reviving a thread from the depths.....!


Finally got round to adding to my Marine army. These chaps have been sat on my desk for close on two years but have eventually finished them.









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