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Corsairs Serpentis (again)

Grey Hunter Ydalir

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Perhaps part of the story was done in bad taste


:lol: Hold it, GHY. Bad taste? We're talking about 40k here. This is a universe where the "good guys" are Occult, Christian, xenophobic, genocidal, Nazis that commit global genocide on a daily basis, kill anything inhuman on sight, withhold knowledge from the general populace and go across the galaxy to cross swords. Absolutely nothing in 40k is done with taste. Your standard issue bolter is inherently designed to make an enormous mess, and that's after there's a .75 slug in someone's chest. You have a culture that survives based on torturing souls. beat is hardly an extreme in the context of the 41st millennium.


I see your point about necessity, but it's a point that has no real ability to happen. If you're sneaking into a village, wouldn't you be more interested in taking supplies than spreading the love? I get a sense of a Lukas the Trickster character who just does things for the hell of doing them (ie: crashing a thunderhawk).


but I feel that him being exciled and living alone in the desert for all that time would rather make him a great survivalist, but not an infiltrator.


A survivalist can still be useful as a scout. Also, he swoons "impressionable" women, regardless there has to be some social grace there.


It could also be an introduction to the previously cut Alpha Legion influence, where did the child come from and how were the odds with him to become a marine? Either he was blessed by the Emperor or something more sisnister, but I want to stay away from actually 'saying' anything though. I'd much rather the excile part be the sole focus than muddy it up for no gain.


The Exciles child becoming a marine was more of a social commentary on the chapter and I'd rather address how he is treated within the chapter, or regarded by them for his heritage. Something to highlight the tribal nature that has become intertwined so deeply in the chapters structure and mindset.


Didn't you say before that the Companies were more White Scars than Space Wolves/ Salamanders with tribe members just being told to suck it up and get along? The only ones that would really care would be those that are descendants of the tribe(s) that his father made trouble for. I never got a hint of "sinister" behind the story. I think it's much more interesting to see what the Chapter will overlook to access talent, ie: taking an exile into the fold of the Chapter.


I still think mortal operatives trumps troublemaker children.

I think bad taste was a misrepresentation of what I meant. 40k has a lot of horrors. However, rarely has it ever been in a sexual manner or indeed had that aspect of human nature brought into it in all but the furthest reaches of Chaos worship.


It is suggested in Dark Eldar and Slaaneshi circles only due to the nature of those cultures, but very rarely in my experience has anything been anywhere near explicit and with good reason.


What I meant was that I think what I had written was presented in the wrong manner or with the wrong mindset and had to focus more on how it was relevant to the chapter and less upon how much of a 'mans man' this guy was. While what I wrote was incredibly mild the suggestion was something I put in unconciously and something I didn't really need or want to be included in retrospect.


Anyway, enough of this.


I still think mortal operatives trumps troublemaker children.


Unless they enhance him to some degree he will die probably before the newest load of recruits have matured, and who's to say that there is a conflict where they really need him? What exactly is it that he can do that a trained scout can't do? The chapter, like the tribes, is almost too pragmatic in their thinking. Which gives the most benefit to a chapter, a normal man that will survive for a finite amount of time and serve to the best that a normal man can, or gain yet another physically and mentally augmented warrior for their chapter? In reality they would probably take both regardless of if they wanted to go or not, but I don't know if I want that.

I still think mortal operatives trumps troublemaker children.


Unless they enhance him to some degree he will die probably before the newest load of recruits have matured, and who's to say that there is a conflict where they really need him? What exactly is it that he can do that a trained scout can't do? The chapter, like the tribes, is almost too pragmatic in their thinking. Which gives the most benefit to a chapter, a normal man that will survive for a finite amount of time and serve to the best that a normal man can, or gain yet another physically and mentally augmented warrior for their chapter? In reality they would probably take both regardless of if they wanted to go or not, but I don't know if I want that.


I honestly don't see why they'd bother taking the exile. The child, sure, if he's got the makings of a great warrior, but what could the exile do that a space marine couldn't?

I think I'm going to put the sidebar to one side for now in favour of actually getting some proper work done on the chapter.


The problem I'm having at the moment is that I've lost a lot of my original notes for this re-writing of the Corsairs. I can find the old notes, and the ones for my other chapters but for this particular re-write I can't seem to summon, despite my advanced degree in black magick.


The only thing I really need them for is to properly construct at least a functional origins section given that it ties everything together and also foreshadows the coming conflict that has a big part in the Corsairs make up.


Damn grotz musta' nabbed me notes!


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