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Ghosty's Work In Progress Iron Snakes.


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After posting my completed commander I thought I may as well open up a thread here and post my "WIP" units in here as well, most of them are just waiting for some final detailing and basing. Most of my motor pool is still WIP, though, so expect to see land speeders, raider, rhinos and some crap for my AdMech skitarii tech-guard army(why not, they're an allowed discussion topic).


Camera is on the charger so I'll post some of my IS units here shortly. In the meantime, have a gander at my robot cohort. I've since changed the heads, marine helms don't quite work for what I wanted to portray.










Next up, Iron Snakes! maybe wip tech marine rhino, who knows! oh wait, I do!

Those are interesting. Your robot cohort, what are they supposed to be? Skitarii? Terminators?

They're very creative.

Thank you.


When I'm gaming with my mates I use the tempus fugitives admech codex, so the robots are actual robots in those games, when playing in tournament or GW store I use the bots as stand in heavy weapon marines when I'm using my witch hunter allies list, if I'm playing guard I use them as heavy weapon teams in my platoons.


Next round of pictures are transferring as I type, I'll have more for you lot soonish.

Here's where I post some crap B)


First we have some scouts, need to finish highlighting their boots, hair, and painting the edges of the bases.



group shot.



Now tactical squad 1(Notable Damocles) yes, there's eleven models in the squad, I plan to model the heavy weapon options for each squad next for them is plasma cannon, lascannon, multi melta and missile launcher.



group shot.



Tactical squad 2(Notable Manes) was fixing the flesh on the three bare headed marines before, probably have pics of that up tomorrow. They need a coat of gloss and some matte and they'll be done for now.



group shot.



Venerable Dreadnought Arius, his power fist will be crushing to pulp either an eldar/dark eldar or a chaos marine, dunno yet.




Rhinos! one for Damocles and one for a techmarine or some :angry:, most likely Manes squad with a techmarine attached, it'll have some big servo arms and tow rigs, it'll be awesome, trust me.








And there it is, pic heavy, yes, but hey, I said I'd post my wip and so I have. Tomorrow I'll put up my Mechanicus stuff for you, have the skulls tech priest set and they're a blast to paint.

Interesting, I've also got a WIP mechanicus army on the go! Awesome 'bots.


Really liking your Iron Snakes, interested to know why you decided to paint up the bolters all differently?


I'd suggest a Dark Eldar for the Venerable to crush, seeing as they have a bit of a history with the snakes. :angry:


Keep it up, can't wait to see more!

When I first started painting this army I had decided to go with red bolter cases, but changed my mind halfway through and went with black case and boltgun metal drybrush, will eventually get around to repainting the red cases to fit in with the rest of the lads.
  • 9 months later...

*Blows the dust off the topic*


Well now, it's certainly been a while since I updated this. But I think the wait's worth it, for today I bring to you my Mk1 Dreadnought and an explanation to justify why this particular chassis is in the possession of the Snakes. this is a project that started a year ago while I was trying to make my archmagos veneratus for the tempus fugitives ad mech army, and over that length of time I have worked on it off and on as the mood and inspiration struck me. so enjoy the pictures and expect big things from this PLOG.














Since someone told me they hate having to click links in these sort of threads, have a :cussload of poorly sized photos ;)


The banner I quite liked, but I do see now that it perhaps should have been left off of the model itself, while it's good to practice freehand mini-murals I should have just kept practicing until I was more confident in my ability, this dreadnought is my army's centre piece after all. What do you, the viewers at home, think? should I have done without it or does it fit fine?


Why do my Iron Snakes have a Mk1 dreadnought in their possession? Besides the fact that I felt like it? It was after Guilliman(SPIRITUAL LIEGE!!1) had decreed the reforms of the space marine legions into chapters, a captain from the 11th Tactical Grand Company(if they even had that many companies, lets just pretend) was chosen to found a chapter and go forth to help pacify the western reaches of the galaxy. During preparation a handful of Dreadnought suits were appropriated for their use, one of which included a Mk1 which has since been used to house the chapters greatest heroes who have fallen and display a burning will to continue to serve.


And that's my justification, while getting their act together they snagged some goodies and went crusadan and genocidan before anyone could say "hey there chaps, I think that belon-" of course the other, and what some could call Mary-Sue of me for writing, reason I'm yet to decide on using is that one of the chapter dreadnoughts who had fallen while serving as one of the first captains of the 11th, being the stubborn and cantankerous old man that he is, demanded to be posted to the newly found Snakes to "make sure these youngsters do right by the 11th!" and so he's been running around with them at various stages of their history.


Thank you and goodnight.

  • 1 month later...


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