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Scriptors vs Lash


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I recently did my 10th liftime game *horray* with 600 Points.


I played vs CSM - HQ was a Chaos Witcher/Warlock (?) which constantly used Lash to push my Terminators/Tactical Marines away so the were unable to deal any damage. This was really annoying - so I searched for a way to counter this ability.

So I came across the Scriptor and his "Psimatrix" (got a german codex dunno weather it is the same in englsih) which negates any psiforce used within 24inch given that you exceed the casting unit in a moraltest.


Is it worth it to choose a scriptor as HQ unit just to have a chance to counter the lash?


Regards Tony

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Hi ImperialReaper,


The names for things are a little different in your German codex than in the English version. From what you've said, your Scriptor is what we'd call a Librarian. You are correct about his pychic hood (Psimatrix?) He can reduce the effectiveness of psychic powers within 24" inches of himself. It's not a total fix to the problem, but it will help. Plus, a Librarian is a great HQ choice for lower points games since a single stock 100pt librarian is perfectly effective without any additional wargear --unlike a captain or chapter master which needs to be upgraded to make them worthwhile.


As Brother-Chaplain Gaius mentioned, getting transports for your units will also help to to negate Lash Sorcerers (Witcher/Warlock) since it has no effect on vehicles. Just keep your troops in their transports until you can eliminate the Sorcerer.

Good luck in your next game. Let us know how you do.

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A Psychic Hood is awesome. I had a game a few hours ago where I destroyed a Seer Council by first Psychic Hooding Fortune, and then using Null Zone ;)


Against Lash-lists, as has been said the best way forward is to Mechanise your army and remain mounted until you enter prime rapid fire range. Failing that, go for a "flood" technique - use multiple units, very spread out, to prevent Lash from affecting significant portions of your units at once.

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