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  myrmidons said:
I will Have Ful Info soon


Without wanting to sound harsh, it's generally better to already have all or at least most of your information ready before you make the first post. :D


Looking forward to seeing the rest of the details, in any case.

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  myrmidons said:
  Ace Debonair said:
Cool. There's no rush, take your time and make sure everything fits together beforehand.

Good luck. :D


Okay i will, and What with listening to ace, not to sound rude


If you mean 'what's with the line in your signature about listening to Ace' then it's just something a buddy of mine said when I had a good idea. I thought it was hilarious, so I added it into my signature. :tu:

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Fluff Placeholder.. haha..


Chapter Master Achilles resplendent in his black artificer armor, looked toward his honor guard with pride, world enders every one of them.

"Faster!" he barked to the Thunderhawk pilot. The roaring aircraft pulled away form the others as it increased its velocity towards the Trojan Heretics beach head.

The huge fleet of attack ships headed for the heretics were soon some distance behind them; Ultramarine captain Agemmenon allowing Achilles the honour of first blood. With a crash they landed onto the beach, the assault ramp landing with a puff of sand. "For the Emperor!" cried Achilles as he and his men ran forward. The Temple of Saint Apollo stood before them. From inside heretical filth shot at them with lasguns and a heavy stubber.

"Charge!" ordered Achilles, his bolter blasting a heretic from a window. As they charged uphill to the temple a torrent of fire assaulted them, one of his warriors fell. Achilles pushed on with grim determination. As he approached the great temple doors, Brother Maddox smashed them open with his power fist. Myrmidons poured through the breach Achilles among the first. They found cultists, who soon found themselves dead. In moments the entire temple was cleansed of their presence. A Myrmidon voxed to Achilles from the temple's tower.

+++ Rhino Approaching, it bares the icon of Hector.+++

Achilles smiled, Hector was a great champion of the four powers, a veteran of the long war and a cursed Word Bearer.

The Rhino belched toxic smoke as it drew up alongside the temple. Hector stepped out his armor shining red and silver in the midday sun.

"Fan out, we will end these heathens" commanded Hector. The blessed mutants did so with their varying ways of locomotion. Hector entered the temple, inside he found cultists, butchered in an efficient manner. He saw a glint in the shadows, before he could react a black clad space marine was upon him. A score more had revealed themselves and were butchering his charges.

"Corpse worshipping fools!" Bellowed Hector as he cut down his attacker. The others black clad marines having dispatched the mutants, formed a circle around him.

Achilles stepped forward into the circle, emanating a killer malice.

"Are you the one they call Hector, champion of Troy accursed Word Bearer?" asked Achilles.

"Indeed I am lapdog scum." replied Hector.

"Return to your army, tell them the Imperium comes for them. Tell them Achilles is here for their blood!"

The word bearer's tanned corrupted face contorted to what could be described as a smile. "Am I to believe, you... You are letting me go?"

"Aye, I will kill you yet. I will end you in a humiliating fashion in front of your whole army. I do this so all know the weakness of your kind and the power of the Emperor."

The word Bearer began backing out, before a hasty about-face and a reckless dash towards the fortress city's walls.

Brother Maddox sighted the Traitor with his bolter, Achilles placed a gauntlet on his shoulder. "Not yet, brother, not yet."


So am I hot or cold?

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  Yogi said:
Fluff Placeholder.. haha..


Chapter Master Achilles resplendent in his black artificer armor, looked toward his honor guard with pride, world enders every one of them.

"Faster!" he barked to the Thunderhawk pilot. The roaring aircraft pulled away form the others as it increased its velocity towards the Trojan Heretics beach head.

The huge fleet of attack ships headed for the heretics were soon some distance behind them; Ultramarine captain Agemmenon allowing Achilles the honour of first blood. With a crash they landed onto the beach, the assault ramp landing with a puff of sand. "For the Emperor!" cried Achilles as he and his men ran forward. The Temple of Saint Apollo stood before them. From inside heretical filth shot at them with lasguns and a heavy stubber.

"Charge!" ordered Achilles, his bolter blasting a heretic from a window. As they charged uphill to the temple a torrent of fire assaulted them, one of his warriors fell. Achilles pushed on with grim determination. As he approached the great temple doors, Brother Maddox smashed them open with his power fist. Myrmidons poured through the breach Achilles among the first. They found cultists, who soon found themselves dead. In moments the entire temple was cleansed of their presence. A Myrmidon voxed to Achilles from the temple's tower.

+++ Rhino Approaching, it bares the icon of Hector.+++

Achilles smiled, Hector was a great champion of the four powers, a veteran of the long war and a cursed Word Bearer.

The Rhino belched toxic smoke as it drew up alongside the temple. Hector stepped out his armor shining red and silver in the midday sun.

"Fan out, we will end these heathens" commanded Hector. The blessed mutants did so with their varying ways of locomotion. Hector entered the temple, inside he found cultists, butchered in an efficient manner. He saw a glint in the shadows, before he could react a black clad space marine was upon him. A score more had revealed themselves and were butchering his charges.

"Corpse worshipping fools!" Bellowed Hector as he cut down his attacker. The others black clad marines having dispatched the mutants, formed a circle around him.

Achilles stepped forward into the circle, emanating a killer malice.

"Are you the one they call Hector, champion of Troy accursed Word Bearer?" asked Achilles.

"Indeed I am lapdog scum." replied Hector.

"Return to your army, tell them the Imperium comes for them. Tell them Achilles is here for their blood!"

The word bearer's tanned corrupted face contorted to what could be described as a smile. "Am I to believe, you... You are letting me go?"

"Aye, I will kill you yet. I will end you in a humiliating fashion in front of your whole army. I do this so all know the weakness of your kind and the power of the Emperor."

The word Bearer began backing out, before a hasty about-face and a reckless dash towards the fortress city's walls.

Brother Maddox sighted the Traitor with his bolter, Achilles placed a gauntlet on his shoulder. "Not yet, brother, not yet."


So am I hot or cold?


Nice If i may i would like to use this with my Chapter, Also do you know the line in troy where Achilles turns and speaks to his men? What he Said before landing on the beach

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Sadly its been a while since I saw the film, so I don't know. You can happily use the story. So I guess I was hot not cold on guessing the inspiration. Personally though I would caution borrowing so heavily from a film as your IA will likely be seen as a parody.


Also whats with the Brad Pitt hate, fight club was awesome. He was a bit wooden in troy, but thats because Eric Bana was there and as an Australian he was just naturally more talented. haha.

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  Yogi said:
Sadly its been a while since I saw the film, so I don't know. You can happily use the story. So I guess I was hot not cold on guessing the inspiration. Personally though I would caution borrowing so heavily from a film as your IA will likely be seen as a parody.


Also whats with the Brad Pitt hate, fight club was awesome. He was a bit wooden in troy, but thats because Eric Bana was there and as an Australian he was just naturally more talented. haha.


Never Seen Fight Club

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  Captain Juan Juarez said:
Drawing on mythology or history for a Chapter theme is great, but don't ruin it by going from modern representations of such.. Thats like a Spartan Chapter - which is a no-no before you get any ideas - drawing on the film 300...


I am drawing off mythology, i at first could not think of a chapter name then i saw troy and the name Myrmidons Stuck out like a sore thumb. although my signature is of three hundred it is modified for the myrmidons to say " Never falter,Never surrender, that is the Myrmidon way and by the way of the Myrmidons we will stand our ground and fight and die for the glory of the emperor."

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  Yogi said:
Fluff Placeholder.. haha..


Chapter Master Achilles resplendent in his black artificer armor, looked toward his honor guard with pride, world enders every one of them.

"Faster!" he barked to the Thunderhawk pilot. The roaring aircraft pulled away form the others as it increased its velocity towards the Trojan Heretics beach head.

The huge fleet of attack ships headed for the heretics were soon some distance behind them; Ultramarine captain Agemmenon allowing Achilles the honour of first blood. With a crash they landed onto the beach, the assault ramp landing with a puff of sand. "For the Emperor!" cried Achilles as he and his men ran forward. The Temple of Saint Apollo stood before them. From inside heretical filth shot at them with lasguns and a heavy stubber.

"Charge!" ordered Achilles, his bolter blasting a heretic from a window. As they charged uphill to the temple a torrent of fire assaulted them, one of his warriors fell. Achilles pushed on with grim determination. As he approached the great temple doors, Brother Maddox smashed them open with his power fist. Myrmidons poured through the breach Achilles among the first. They found cultists, who soon found themselves dead. In moments the entire temple was cleansed of their presence. A Myrmidon voxed to Achilles from the temple's tower.

+++ Rhino Approaching, it bares the icon of Hector.+++

Achilles smiled, Hector was a great champion of the four powers, a veteran of the long war and a cursed Word Bearer.

The Rhino belched toxic smoke as it drew up alongside the temple. Hector stepped out his armor shining red and silver in the midday sun.

"Fan out, we will end these heathens" commanded Hector. The blessed mutants did so with their varying ways of locomotion. Hector entered the temple, inside he found cultists, butchered in an efficient manner. He saw a glint in the shadows, before he could react a black clad space marine was upon him. A score more had revealed themselves and were butchering his charges.

"Corpse worshipping fools!" Bellowed Hector as he cut down his attacker. The others black clad marines having dispatched the mutants, formed a circle around him.

Achilles stepped forward into the circle, emanating a killer malice.

"Are you the one they call Hector, champion of Troy accursed Word Bearer?" asked Achilles.

"Indeed I am lapdog scum." replied Hector.

"Return to your army, tell them the Imperium comes for them. Tell them Achilles is here for their blood!"

The word bearer's tanned corrupted face contorted to what could be described as a smile. "Am I to believe, you... You are letting me go?"

"Aye, I will kill you yet. I will end you in a humiliating fashion in front of your whole army. I do this so all know the weakness of your kind and the power of the Emperor."

The word Bearer began backing out, before a hasty about-face and a reckless dash towards the fortress city's walls.

Brother Maddox sighted the Traitor with his bolter, Achilles placed a gauntlet on his shoulder. "Not yet, brother, not yet."


So am I hot or cold?


Hey yogi I would Appreciate Some More Help Because after adding Above Work With Mine I Am stuck On whether to continue on the battle or Leave it as a mystery

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  Ferrus Manus said:
Please, if your going to include that battle, remove the reference to the Gauntlets of Ultramar - be inventive. Don't copy it from the Codex: Space Marine story.


That should do it now i thought a hammer would do and as for the eldar part it works i even used a different eldar people. but i can see why it would be bad to have a parody.

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  Captain Juan Juarez said:
In an IA a battle is very much a no go area; you can allude to them, or mention them in reference to them, but generally detail is frowned upon unless it is a major part of why your Chapter has a certain organisation or structure.


Both the battle in my IA are what lead to the myrmidons organisation and other things

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