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March 20th, 2010

Game Cafe (empty space next door)

Warhammer 40k Tournament

2000 Points

Signups start at Noon

Game starts at 1pm

16 Spots available

Entry fee $10


1st place Trophy and $100 of Games Workshop merchandise on shelf

2nd place Trophy and $50 of Games Workshop merchandise on shelf

3rd place Trophy and $25 gift certificate to Game Cafe


Link for Pre-Registration.




Think of this Tournament as fueling up for a big fight.


Game #1

Our Beasts Hunger

Pitched Battle



This planet is rich with the fuel our war machines desire. The fuel that keeps our race fighting; and it is

this fuel we will fight for today. Get out there on that field and bring me as much as you can carry. Kill

anything that usurps our ownership of this precious resource!



You have been ordered to control the oil derricks and pump as many barrels of fuel as you can.

The enemy needs these resources to wage the upcoming war in this sector. Deny the enemy at all costs!


Place five oil derricks equally spaced on the board. One oil derrick will be placed in the direct center of the

board and the four other oil derricks in the center of the four quarters of the game board.


Objectives: Gain control of the oil derricks and pump as much fuel as possible before the game ends.


Special Rules:

At the end of each game turn tally up how much fuel each player pumped. Keep track of

this and total everything together at the end for a final score. Fuel is pumped at the end of each game

turn, not each player turn. The center oil derrick can produce three barrels of oil per turn. The corner oil

derricks can each produce one barrel of oil per turn. Your units must have sole control of an oil derrick to

gain the pumped oil and the oil derricks can be contested by enemy troops.

(To simplify, The oil derricks are nothing more than objectives that must be controlled by a troops choice but can be contested by anything. So if you control the objective, you can pump fuel from it.)


After determining who controls a derrick, but before pumping fuel, the controlling player must roll a D6

for each oil derrick controlled and consult the following chart:

1 - What did you do? - Something sets off a spark in the main pipeline, igniting the underground

reserves. The derrick explodes 2D6 inches and everything within the blast radius takes a S5 hit.

Vehicles will be hit on their side armor. This derrick is no longer capable of producing fuel for the

remainder of the game.

2-3 - That doesn't go there! - The mechanism jams. No fuel is pumped this turn, but no other ill

effects take place.

4-5 - Steady as she goes. - Pump fuel as normal.

6 - Black Gold, Texas Tea! - Pump one extra barrel of fuel this turn from this oil derrick.


Victory Conditions:

Major Victory: You have pumped twice as many or more barrels of oil than your opponent.

Minor Victory: You have pumped more barrels of oil than your opponent.

Draw: You and opponent pump the same number of barrels of oil.

Minor Loss: Opponent scores a Minor Victory.

Major Loss: Opponent scores a Major Victory.


Bonus Points:

+25 for each Derrick you control at the end of the game

+10 for each Vehicle (Something with an AV) that is within 3" of a Derrick you control

+1 for every barrel of oil you pumped

-5 for every Derrick that your roll caused an explosion


Game #2

Road Warriors



You have been ordered to take and control a series of fuel depots along a major roadway. The enemy needs these resources to wage the upcoming war in this sector. Deny the enemy at all costs!



The board should be set up with medium terrain and a road stretched across the board from short table edge to short table edge. There should be three objectives or “fuel depots” and they should be placed along the road, with one at the center and the others 12 inches from the center on either side. Both players roll a D6 and compare the scores. The player who rolls highest will choose which side of the board edge to start from, deploy first and take the first turn unless his/her opponent Steals the Initiative. Each player deploys their entire army within 18 inches of one the short table edges.



The main purpose of this mission is to control the objectives.



Major Victory- You control 2 more objectives than your opponent.

Minor Victory- You control 1 more objective than your opponent.

Draw- You and opponent control the same number of objectives.

Minor Loss- Opponent controls 1 more objective than you.

Major Loss- Opponent controls 2 more objectives than you.


Bonus Points:

+25 for every Objective Controlled

+10 for each Vehicle (Something with an AV) that is within 3" of an objective you control

+5 for every Vehicle that was destroyed due to Ramming

+1 for every Kill Point earned


Game #3


Spear Head



Major Victory-Earn Double the Kill Points than your opponent. (1-0 is double)

Minor Victory-Earn More Kill Points than your opponent. (3-2 is more)

Draw-Earn the same amount of kill points as your opponent. (If you board wipe your opponent it will be bumped up to a Minor Victory)

Minor Loss-Earn Less

Major Loss-Earn Half


Bonus Points:

+25 for every HQ Killed

+10 for every Vehicle Killed

+5 for every Vehicle Surviving

+1 for every Kill Point Earned

-1 for every kill Point Lost

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